G.J.P.M. Houben

153 records found

How can humans remain in control of artificial intelligence (AI)-based systems designed to perform tasks autonomously? Such systems are increasingly ubiquitous, creating benefits - but also undesirable situations where moral responsibility for their actions cannot be properly att ...
As data is produced at an unprecedented rate, the need and ex- pectation to make it easily available for the end-users is growing. Dataset Discovery has become an important subject in the data management community, as it represents the means of providing the data to the user and ...
Data Integration has been a long-standing and challenging problem for enterprises and researchers. Data residing in multiple heterogeneous sources must be integrated and prepared such that the valuable information that it carries, can be extracted and analysed. However, the volum ...
The increasing use of data-driven decision support systems in industry and governments is accompanied by the discovery of a plethora of bias and unfairness issues in the outputs of these systems. Multiple computer science communities, and especially machine learning, have started ...
Cameras are ubiquitous nowadays and video analytic systems have been widely used in surveillance, traffic control, business intelligence and autonomous driving. Some applications, e.g., detecting road congestion in traffic monitoring, require continuous and timely reporting of co ...
The trend of remote work leads to the prosperity of crowdsourcing marketplaces. In crowdsourcing marketplaces, online workers can select their preferable tasks and then complete them to get paid, while requesters design and publish tasks to acquire their desirable data. The stand ...


A Simulation Platform for Microtask Crowdsourcing Campaigns

This demo presents VirtualCrowd, a simulation platform for crowdsourcing campaigns. The platform allows the design, configuration, step-by-step execution, and analysis of customized tasks, worker profiles, and crowdsourcing strategies. The platform will be demonstrated through a ...
In online crowd mapping, crowd workers recruited through crowdsourcing marketplaces collect geographic data. Compared to traditional mapping methods, where workers physically explore the area, the benefit of using online crowd mapping is the potential to be cost-effective and tim ...
Up-to-date listings of retail stores and related building functions are challenging and costly to maintain. We introduce a novel method for automatically detecting, geo-locating, and classifying retail stores and related commercial functions, on the basis of storefronts extracted ...
Social media provides a timely yet challenging data source for adverse drug reaction (ADR) detection. Existing dictionary-based, semi-supervised learning approaches are intrinsically limited by the coverage and maintainability of laymen health vocabularies. In this p ...

Educational Theories and Learning Analytics: From Data to Knowledge

The Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts

The study of learning is grounded in theories and research. Since learning is complex and not directly observable, it is often inferred by collecting and analysing data based on the things learners do or say. By virtue, theories are developed from the analyses of data collected. ...
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) allow learning to take place anytime and anywhere with little external monitoring by teachers. Characteristically, highly diverse groups of learners enrolled in MOOCs are required to make decisions related to their own learning activities to ac ...
Dialog agents, like digital assistants and automated chat interfaces (e.g., chatbots), are becoming more and more popular as users adapt to conversing with their devices as they do with humans. In this paper, we present approaches and available tools for dialog management (DM), a ...
ACM UMAP - User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalization is the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users, to groups of users, and that collect, represent, and model user information. The Theory, Opinion ...
Knowledge about the organization of the main physical elements (e.g. streets) and objects (e.g. trees) that structure cities is important in the maintenance of city infrastructure and the planning of future urban interventions. In this paper, a novel approach to crowd-mapping urb ...

Scaling Effective Learning Strategies

Retrieval Practice and Long-Term Knowledge Retention in MOOCs

Large-scale online learning environments such as MOOCs provide an opportunity to evaluate the efficacy of learning strategies in an informal learning context with a diverse learner population. Here, we evaluate the extent to which retrieval practice — recognized as one of the mos ...


An Iterative Approach for Long-Tail Entity Extraction in Scientific Publications

Named Entity Recognition and Typing (NER/NET) is a challenging task, especially with long-tail entities such as the ones found in scientific publications. These entities (e.g. “WebKB”, “StatSnowball”) are rare, often relevant only in specific knowledge domains, yet important for ...