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E. Giaccardi

69 records found

Living with Cyanobacteria

Exploring Materiality in Caring for Microbes in Everyday Life

Materiality of artefacts holds the potential to intricately and dynamically shape our daily practices. We posit this capacity can be harnessed in fostering creative unfolding of everyday care practices towards living artefacts. To explore this premise, we designed a cyanobacteria ...

In conversation with ghosts

Towards a hauntological approach to decolonial design for/with AI practices

This is a critique of how designers deal with temporality in design to speculate about socio-technical futures. The paper unpacks how embedded definitions and assumptions of temporality in current design tools contribute to coloniality in designed futures. Based on this critique, ...
Domestic heating systems need to change to meet climate targets. We draw on practice theoretical concepts to understand what is needed to integrate heat pumps in Dutch households. From a design orientation, we view households as creative actors integrating technologies into daily ...

Cyano-Chromic Interface

Aligning Human-Microbe Temporalities Towards Noticing and Attending to Living Artefacts

Microbes offer designers opportunities to endow artefacts with environmental sensing and adapting abilities, and unique expressions. However, microbe-embedded artefacts present a challenge of temporal dissonance, reflected by a “time lag” typically experienced by humans in notici ...

Conversation Starters

How Can We Misunderstand AI Better?

Conversation Starters is a series of interactive prototypes that probe how to design explainable interactions with AI in everyday life. Taking a more-than-human approach, we explore how 'failures' could be transformed into opportunities for situated understandings of AI. We descr ...
Introduced in 2020, the notion of living artefacts encompasses biodesign outcomes that maintain the vitality of organisms such as fungi, algae, bacteria, and plants in the use of everyday artefacts, enabling new functions, interactions, and expressions within our daily lives. Thi ...
In this special interest group (SIG) we invite researchers, practitioners, and educators to share their perspectives and experiences on the expansion of human-centred perspective to more-than-human design orientation in human-computer interaction (HCI). This design for and with m ...

The everyday enactment of interfaces

A study of crises and conflicts in the more-than-human home

By 2027 more than 530 M homes will likely adopt at least one type of automated system. This means that a growing number of residents will be living with automated technology in the home, everyday. But living with smart homes is full of conflicts between what residents find approp ...

Making a scene

Representing and annotating enacted interfaces in co-performances using the screenplay

Automated and connected technologies are increasingly present in everyday life. The concept of co-performance offers a new perspective on artificial agency by understanding artifacts as capable of performing everyday practices next to people. In this pictorial we adopt a lens inf ...
Nowadays, designers deal with increasingly complex and meaningful challenges. Because of that, design schools are required to deliver professional designers capable of handling what future decades might bring. Therefore, resilience, generally described as the process of adapting ...
Along with the increase in average life expectancy, the world’s elderly population is expected to grow to 2.1 billion by 2050. Aging marks a sensitive and vulnerable period of life, with loss of roles and functions and increased dependence on others, often reflected in a decline ...
The last decade has witnessed the expansion of design space to include the epistemologies and methodologies of more-than-human design (MTHD). Design researchers and practitioners have been increasingly studying, designing for, and designing with nonhumans. This panel will bring t ...

Habitabilities of Living Artefacts

A Taxonomy of Digital Tools for Biodesign

This paper offers a taxonomy of digital tools for crafting habitabilities in biodesign practices. Over the past decade, interest has grown among design and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) scholars to explore the potentials of living organisms for novel responsive behavior and in ...

The poetic dimension of metadesign

Finding opportunities for human transformation

This personal Festschrift for Humberto Maturana spotlights his pioneering 1997 essay ‘Metadesign’. The author’s own PhD on metadesign was completed in 2003, and she uses Maturana’s essay as an aide-memoir for revisiting perennial questions about whether technology can catalyse a ...

Making Access

Increasing Inclusiveness in Making

In this one-day workshop we are going to make access. We aim to counteract the phenomenon that access to making (e.g., in makerspaces, fablabs, etc.) is not equally distributed, with certain groups of people being underrepresented (e.g., women∗1). After brief introductions from p ...
How can humans remain in control of artificial intelligence (AI)-based systems designed to perform tasks autonomously? Such systems are increasingly ubiquitous, creating benefits - but also undesirable situations where moral responsibility for their actions cannot be properly att ...

Making Everyday Things Talk

Speculative Conversations into the Future of Voice Interfaces at Home

What if things had a voice? What if we could talk directly to things instead of using a mediating voice interface such as an Alexa or a Google Assistant? In this paper, we share our insights from talking to a pair of boots, a tampon, a perfume bottle, and toilet paper among other ...

More-than-human design and AI

In conversation with agents

This one-day workshop brings together HCI researchers, designers, and practitioners to explore how to study and design (with) AI agents from a more-than-human design perspective. We invite participants to experiment with thing ethnography and material speculations, as a starting ...

Casting things as partners in design

Towards a more-than-human design practice

Elisa Giaccardi Understanding how we live with things, and in turn, how things come to live with us calls for methodologies that go beyond a focus on humans. As scholars, from material culture studies to object-oriented philosophies, we have come to appreciate the agency and soci ...