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S.M. Persaud

9 records found

In September 2021, the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) introduced a revamped bachelor's programme that emphasizes design for higher complexity, teacher as a coach, and autonomous learning. The programme includes Understanding Product Engineering (UPE), which teac ...
Nowadays, designers deal with increasingly complex and meaningful challenges. Because of that, design schools are required to deliver professional designers capable of handling what future decades might bring. Therefore, resilience, generally described as the process of adapting ...
In September 2021 the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering has implemented a completely revised bachelor. Important differences between the old and the new bachelor are its focus on design for higher complexity, the teacher as a coach, and the need for students to learn in an ...
In our Integrated Product Design master at the Delft faculty of Industrial Design Engineering we see a growing diversity in our student population. Besides a growing number of different nationalities there are also significant differences in prior education, competences, and soci ...
In the IPD Master’s in Industrial Design Engineering (TU Delft) we see a growing diversity of students. We see the international student population growing, but also see significant differences in prior education, socio-emotional aspects, and competences. Within the Advanced Embo ...

Dialogue for design teams

A case study of generative conversations for dealing with diversity

In the Integrated Product Design master’s at Industrial Design Engineering, there is a growing diversity in students. In recent years we increasingly noticed that diversity could lead to complications within the various student teams. Examples are miscommunication, frustration, a ...
95% of the medical devices available in LMICs are second hand, refurbished devices donated by Western countries, out of which 70% terminate obsolete within a year, due to lack of maintenance staff, appropriate spare parts and consumables, and financial constraints. Unavailable co ...

Handle with care

Coaching multi-diverse project groups to become healthy desing teams

In the IPD master at Industrial Design Engineering (TU Delft) we see a growing diversity in students. In recent years, the number of international students has grown to more than 1/3rd. Besides nationalities we also see differences in prior education, socio-emotional aspects and ...

Handle with care

Coaching multi-diverse project groups to become healthy design teams

In the IPD masters in Industrial Design Engineering (TU Delft) we see a growing diversity in students. In recent years, the number of international students has grown to more than a third. Besides nationalities we also see differences in prior education, socio-emotional aspects a ...