René F. Kizilcec

4 records found


Learning engineering adds tools and processes to learning platforms to support improvement research. One kind of tool is A/B testing, which is common in large software companies and also represented academically at conferences like the Annual Conference on Digital Experimentat ...

Scaling Effective Learning Strategies

Retrieval Practice and Long-Term Knowledge Retention in MOOCs

Large-scale online learning environments such as MOOCs provide an opportunity to evaluate the efficacy of learning strategies in an informal learning context with a diverse learner population. Here, we evaluate the extent to which retrieval practice — recognized as one of the mos ...

The Half-Life of MOOC Knowledge

A Randomized Trial Evaluating the Testing Effect in MOOCs

Retrieval practice has been established in the learning sciences as one of the most effective strategies to facilitate robust learning in traditional classroom contexts. The cognitive theory underpinning the "testing effect" states that actively recalling information is more effe ...

Follow the successful crowd

Raising MOOC completion rates through social comparison at scale

Social comparison theory asserts that we establish our social and personal worth by comparing ourselves to others. In in-person learning environments, social comparison offers students critical feedback on how to behave and be successful. By contrast, online learning environme ...