G. Chen

17 records found


MOOC Analytics

Learner Modeling and Content Generation

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), as one of the popular options for people to receive education and learn, are endowed with the mission to educate the world. Typically, there are two types of MOOC platforms: topic-agnostic and topic-specific. Topic-agnostic platforms such as e ...
Knowledge tracing serves as a keystone in delivering personalized education. However, few works attempted to model students’ knowledge state in the setting of Second Language Acquisition. The Duolingo Shared Task on Second Language Acquisition Modeling (Settles et al., 2018) prov ...
We present LearningQ, a challenging educational question generation dataset containing over 230K document-question pairs. It includes 7K instructor-designed questions assessing knowledge concepts being taught and 223K learner-generated questions seeking in-depth understanding of ...

Concept Focus

Semantic Meta-Data For Describing MOOC Content

MOOCs promised to herald a new age of open education.
However, efficient access to MOOC content is still hard, thus unneces-
sarily complicating many use cases like efficient re-use of material, or
tailored access for life-long learning scenarios. O ...

From Learners to Earners

Enabling MOOC Learners to Apply Their Skills and Earn Money in an Online Market Place

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) aim to educate the world. More often than not, however, MOOCs fall short of this goal — a majority of learners are already highly educated (with a Bachelor degree or more) and come from specific parts of the (developed) world. Learners from dev ...

Activating Learning at Scale

A Review of Innovations in Online Learning Strategies

Taking advantage of the vast history of theoretical and empirical findings in the learning literature we have inherited, this research offers a synthesis of prior findings in the domain of empirically evaluated active learning strategies in digital learning environments. The prim ...

Buying time

Enabling learners to become earners with a real-world paid task recommender system

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) aim to educate the world, especially learners from developing countries. While MOOCs are certainly available to the masses, they are not yet fully accessible. Although all course content is just clicks away, deeply engaging with a MOOC requires ...

Follow the successful crowd

Raising MOOC completion rates through social comparison at scale

Social comparison theory asserts that we establish our social and personal worth by comparing ourselves to others. In in-person learning environments, social comparison offers students critical feedback on how to behave and be successful. By contrast, online learning environme ...

MOOC research is typically limited to evaluations of learner behavior in the context of the learning environment. However, some research has begun to recognize that the impact of MOOCs may extend beyond the confines of the course platform or conclusion of the course time limit. T ...

Certificate Achievement Unlocked

How Does MOOC Learners' Behaviour Change?

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) play an ever more central role in open education. However, in contrast to traditional classroom settings, many aspects of learners' behaviour in MOOCs are not well researched. In this work, we focus on modelling learner behaviour in the context ...
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a promising form of online education. However, the occurrence of academic dishonesty has been threatening MOOC certificates’ effectiveness as a serious tool for recruiters and employers. Recently, a large-scale study on the log traces from ...
Learning analytics for learners has the ability to greatly improve learners' self-regulation. Current learner dashboards are mostly providing learners with an isolated view of their learning behavior, while we believe learners will gain more from a comparison of their own behavio ...

Retrieval Practice and Study Planning in MOOCs

Exploring Classroom-Based Self-regulated Learning Strategies at Scale

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are successful in delivering educational resources to themasses, however, the current retention rates—well below 10%—indicate that they fall short in helping their audience become effective MOOC learners. In this paper, we report two MOOC st ...

Learning transfer

Does It Take Place in MOOCs? An Investigation into the Uptake of Functional Programming in Practice

The rising number of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) enable people to advance their knowledge and competencies in a wide range of fields. Learning though is only the first step, the transfer of the taught concepts into practice is equally important and often neglected in the ...

Beyond the MOOC platform

Gaining insights about learners from the social web

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have enabled millions of learners across the globe to increase their levels of expertise in a wide variety of subjects. Research efforts surrounding MOOCs are typically focused on improving the learning experience, as the current retention r ...

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platform designs, such as those of edX and Coursera, aord linear learning sequences by building scaolded knowledge from activity to activity and from week to week. We consider those sequences to be the courses' designed learning paths. But do lea ...

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have gained considerable momentum since their inception in 2011. They are, however, plagued by two issues that threaten their future: learner engagement and learner retention. MOOCs regularly attract tens of thousands of learners, though onl ...