Concept Focus

Semantic Meta-Data For Describing MOOC Content

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MOOCs promised to herald a new age of open education.
However, efficient access to MOOC content is still hard, thus unneces-
sarily complicating many use cases like efficient re-use of material, or
tailored access for life-long learning scenarios. One of the reasons for this
lack of accessibility is the shortage of meaningful semantic meta-data de-
scribing MOOC content and the resulting learning experience. In this pa-
per, we explore Concept Focus, a new type of meta-data for describing a
perceptual facet of modern video-based MOOCs, capturing how focused
a learning resource is topic-wise, which is often an indicator of clarity
and understandability. We provide the theoretical foundations of Con-
cept Focus and outline a methodical workflow of how to automatically
compute it for MOOC lectures. Furthermore, we show that the learners’
consumption behavior is correlated with a MOOC lecture’s Concept Focus, thus underlining that this type of meta-data is indeed relevant for user-centric querying, personalizing or even designing the MOOC experience. For showing this, we performed an extensive study with real-life
MOOCs and 12,849 learners over the duration of three months.


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- Embargo expired in 14-02-2019