12 records found



Data Integration Meets Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) training data is often scattered across disparate collections of datasets, called <italic>data silos</italic>. This fragmentation poses a major challenge for data-intensive ML applications: integrating and transforming data residing in differe ...

Over the last two decades, the machine learning (ML) field has witnessed a dramatic expansion, propelled by burgeoning data volumes and the advancement of computational technologies. Deep learning (DL) in particular has demonstrated remarkable success across a wide range of domai ...
Machine learning (ML) researchers and practitioners are building repositories of pre-trained models, called model zoos. These model zoos contain metadata that detail various properties of the ML models and datasets, which are useful for reporting, auditing, reproducibility, and i ...


Data Integration Meets Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) training data is often scattered across disparate collections of datasets, called data silos. This fragmentation poses a major challenge for data-intensive ML applications: integrating and transforming data residing in different sources demand a lot of ma ...

Given a set of pre-trained Machine Learning (ML) models, can we solve complex analytic tasks that make use of those models by formulating ML inference queries? Can we mitigate different tradeoffs, e.g., high accuracy, low execution costs and memory footprint, when optimizing t ...

The proliferation of pre-trained ML models in public Web-based model zoos facilitates the engineering of ML pipelines to address complex inference queries over datasets and streams of unstructured content. Constructing optimal plan for a query is hard, especially when constraints ...

Machine learning (ML) practitioners and organizations are building model repositories of pre-trained models, referred to as model zoos. These model zoos contain metadata describing the properties of the ML models and datasets. The metadata serves crucial roles for reporting, a ...

Machine learning (ML) practitioners and organizations are building model zoos of pre-trained models, containing metadata describing properties of the ML models and datasets that are useful for reporting, auditing, reproducibility, and interpretability purposes. The metatada is cu ...

Cameras are ubiquitous nowadays and video analytic systems have been widely used in surveillance, traffic control, business intelligence and autonomous driving. Some applications, e.g., detecting road congestion in traffic monitoring, require continuous and timely reporting of ...

Link prediction can be used to extract missing information, identify spurious interactions as well as forecast network evolution. Network embedding is a methodology to assign coordinates to nodes in a low-dimensional vector space. By embedding nodes into vectors, the link pred ...


Finding the Needle in the Pre-Trained Model Zoo

The Use of Rich Metadata and Graph Learning to Estimate Task Transferability

The democratization of machine learning through public repositories, often known as model zoos, has significantly increased the availability of pre-trained models for practitioners. However, this abundance can make it difficult to choose the most suitable pre-trained model for fi ...

Enriching Machine Learning Model Metadata

Collecting performance metadata through automatic evaluation

As the sharing of machine learning (ML) models has increased in popularity, more so-called model zoos are created. These repositories facilitate the sharing of models and their metadata, and other people to find and re-use an existing model. However, the metadata provided for mod ...