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B. van Trigt

19 records found

Background: In baseball, repetitive pitching leads to medial elbow injuries, particularly to the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL). To prevent pitchers from UCL injuries, it is important to quantify the response to elbow stress. Repetitive elbow external valgus torque and muscular ...

Blessurepreventie bij bovenhandse sporten

Kunnen sensoren hierbij helpen?

Hoe kan het dat de mens zo hard bovenhands kan gooien, maar dat het soms ook opeens mis kan gaan? Kunnen we overbelastingsblessures bij bovenhandse bewegingen voorkomen aan de hand van biomechanische kennis en het gebruik van sensoren? In het proefschrift Keep the pitcher’s elbow ...
Often the question arises whether (Formula presented.) can be predicted based on (Formula presented.) using a certain model. Especially for highly flexible models such as neural networks one may ask whether a seemingly good prediction is actually better than fitting pure noise or ...
The baseball pitch is a repetitive, full-body throwing motion that exposes the elbow to significant loads, leading to a high incidence of elbow injuries. Elbow injuries in pitching are often attributed to high external valgus torques as these are generally considered to be a good ...
In baseball pitchers the elbow is exposed to high and repetitive loads (i.e. external valgus torque), caused by pitching a high number of balls in a practice session or game. This can result in overuse injuries like the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injury. To understand injury ...
The large stream of data from wearable devices integrated with sports routines has changed the traditional approach to athletes’ training and performance monitoring. However, one of the challenges of data-driven training is to provide actionable insights tailored to individual tr ...

Keep the pitcher’s elbow load in the game

Biomechanical analysis of injury mechanisms in baseball pitching towards injury prevention

In baseball pitching, high performance is closely related to injuries. The baseball pitch is a rapid, full-body throwing motion that culminates in a ballistic motion of the throwing arm, creating high ball velocity but exposing the elbow to significant loads. As a result, injurie ...
Medial elbow overuse injuries are rising in baseball. The external valgus torque magnitude is a possible risk factor for medial elbow injuries. The magnitude on its own cannot explain why one pitcher sustains an injury and another does not. Therefore, the aim of this study is to ...
Background: Baseball pitching performance can be mechanically explained by the summation of speed principle and the principle of optimal coordination of partial momenta. Impeding optimal energy generation or transfer by or between the pelvis and trunk segments could provide valua ...
It is generally accepted that most of the energy transferred to the ball during a baseball pitch is generated in the trunk and lower extremities. Therefore, purpose of this study was to assess the energy flow through the lower extremities during a baseball pitch. It was hypothesi ...
Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) weakening or tears occur in 16% of professional baseball pitchers. To prevent players from sustaining a UCL injury, it is important to understand the relationship between the UCL properties and elbow stabilizers with the load on the UCL during pitc ...
Ball velocity is considered an important performance measure in baseball pitching. Proper pitching mechanics play an important role in both maximising ball velocity and injury-free participation of baseball pitchers. However, an individual pitcher’s characteristics display indivi ...
Femoral neck fractures (FNFs) in young patients usually result from high-energy violence, and the vertical transcervical type is typically challenging for its instability. FNFs are commonly treated with three cannulated screws (CS), but the role of screws type on fixation effects ...
Background: Baseball pitching is associated with a high prevalence of ulnar collateral ligament injuries, potentially due to the high external valgus load on the medial side of the elbow at the instant of maximal shoulder external rotation (MER). In-vitro studies show that extern ...
BACKGROUND: Literature describing differences in motor control between low back pain (LBP) patients and healthy controls is very inconsistent, which may be an indication for the existence of subgroups. Pain-related psychological factors might play a role causing these differences ...
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of an experimentally imposed kinetic chain disturbance in baseball pitching on ball speed and elbow kinetics. The experimental design consisted of two (within-subject) conditions. In one condition there was no manipul ...

Are UCL Injuries a Matter of Bad Luck?

The Role of Variability and Fatigue Quantified

Upper extremity injuries are common in baseball. One of these is the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injury. In the field of sports injuries, most research focuses on average kinematics and kinetics between subjects, whereas focusing on within-subject variability appears to be mo ...
The purpose of this study was to determine whether stride length and knee angle of the leading leg at foot contact, at the instant of maximal external rotation of the shoulder, and at ball release are associated with ball speed in elite youth baseball pitchers. In this study, fif ...