James S. Clarke

6 records found


Spin qubits in quantum dots define an attractive platform for quantum information because of their compatibility with semiconductor manufacturing, their long coherence times, and the ability to operate above one Kelvin. However, despite demonstrations of SWAP oscillations, the ...

We determine the energy splitting of the conduction-band valleys in two-dimensional electrons confined in silicon metal oxide semiconductor Hall-bar transistors. These silicon metal oxide semiconductor Hall bars are made by advanced semiconductor manufacturing on 300 mm silico ...

Continuing advancements in quantum information processing have caused a paradigm shift from research mainly focused on testing the reality of quantum mechanics to engineering qubit devices with numbers required for practical quantum computation. One of the major challenges in ...

Extremely long coherence times, excellent single-qubit gate fidelities, and two-qubit logic have been demonstrated with silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor spin qubits, making it one of the leading platforms for quantum information processing. Despite this, a long-standing chall ...

Current implementations of quantum computers suffer from large numbers of control lines per qubit, becoming unmanageable with system scale up. Here, we discuss a sparse spin-qubit architecture featuring integrated control electronics significantly reducing the off-chip wire co ...

Atomic-scale disorder at the top interface of a Si quantum well is known to suppress valley splitting. Such disorder may be inherited from the underlying substrate and relaxed buffer growth, but can also arise at the top quantum well interface due to the random SiGe alloy. Her ...