Sara Bals

15 records found

InP/ZnSe/ZnS core/shell/shell quantum dots are the most investigated quantum dot material for commercial applications involving visible light emission. The inner InP/ZnSe interface is complex since it is not charge balanced, and the InP surface is prone to oxidation. The role of ...
Lanthanide-doped LiYF4 (Ln:YLF) is commonly used for a broad variety of optical applications, such as lasing, photon upconversion and optical refrigeration. When synthesized as nanocrystals (NCs), this material is also of interest for biological applications and fundamental physi ...
In recent years, quantum dots (QDs) have emerged as bright, color-tunable light sources for various applications such as light-emitting devices, lasing, and bioimaging. One important next step to advance their applicability is to reduce particle-to-particle variations of the emis ...
Ytterbium-doped LiYF 4 (Yb:YLF) is a commonly used material for laser applications, as a photon upconversion medium, and for optical refrigeration. As nanocrystals (NCs), the material is also of interest for biological and physical applications. Unfortuna ...
Assembling binary mixtures of nanoparticles into crystals, gives rise to collective properties depending on the crystal structure and the individual properties of both species. However, quantitative 3D real-space analysis of binary colloidal crystals with a thickness of more than ...
The influence of geometry on the local and global packing of particles is important to many fundamental and applied research themes, such as the structure and stability of liquids, crystals and glasses. Here we show by experiments and simulations that a binary mixture of hard-sph ...
Indium phosphide quantum dots (QDs) have drawn attention as alternatives to cadmium- and lead-based QDs that are currently used as phosphors in lamps and displays. The main drawbacks of InP QDs are, in general, a lower photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY), a decreased color pur ...
Zinc is routinely employed in the synthesis of InP quantum dots (QDs) to improve the photoluminescence efficiency and carrier mobility of the resulting In(Zn)P alloy nanostructures. The exact location of Zn in the final structures and the mechanism by which it enhances the optoel ...
HAADF-STEM tomography is a common technique for characterizing the three-dimensional morphology of nanomaterials. In conventional tomographic reconstruction algorithms, the image intensity is assumed to be a linear projection of a physical property of the specimen. However, this ...
The deactivation of Sn-Beta zeolite catalyst during retro-aldolization and isomerization of glucose is investigated. Confocal fluorescence microscopy reveals that retro-aldolization of glucose in CH3OH at 160 °C is accompanied with the build-up of insoluble oligomeric ...
ZnS shelling of I-III-VI2 nanocrystals (NCs) invariably leads to blue-shifts in both the absorption and photoluminescence spectra. These observations imply that the outcome of ZnS shelling reactions on I-III-VI2 colloidal NCs results from a complex interplay ...

Nanostructured materials for solid-state hydrogen storage

A review of the achievement of COST Action MP1103

In the framework of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action MP1103 Nanostructured Materials for Solid-State Hydrogen Storage were synthesized, characterized and modeled. This Action dealt with the state of the art of energy storage and set up a competitiv ...
Oriented attachment of PbSe nanocubes can result in the formation of two-dimensional (2D) superstructures with long-range nanoscale and atomic order. This questions the applicability of classic models in which the superlattice grows by first forming a nucleus, followed by sequent ...
Cation exchange is a very powerful method for creating heterogeneous nanocrystals (NCs), such as core‐shell or rod‐tip nanostructures. Here we present an overview of the experimental and simulation efforts made to elucidate the atomic mechanism underlying cation exchange in PbSe/ ...
The increasing need for precise determination of the atomic arrangement of non-periodic structures in materials design and the control of nanostructures explains the growing interest in quantitative transmission electron microscopy. The aim is to extract precise and accurate numb ...