16 records found


Cation exchange is a very powerful method for creating heterogeneous nanocrystals (NCs), such as core‐shell or rod‐tip nanostructures. Here we present an overview of the experimental and simulation efforts made to elucidate the atomic mechanism underlying cation exchange in PbSe/ ...
Cation exchange is a powerful tool for the synthesis of nanostructures such as core–shell nanocrystals, however, the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. Interactions of cations with ligands and solvent molecules are systematically ignored in simulations. Here, we introduce ...
Here, we show a novel solid-solid-vapor (SSV) growth mechanism whereby epitaxial growth of heterogeneous semiconductor nanowires takes place by evaporation-induced cation exchange. During heating of PbSe-CdSe nanodumbbells inside a transmission electron microscope (TEM), we obser ...
A great variety of single-and multi-component nanocrystals (NCs) can now be synthesized and integrated into nanocrystal superlattices. However, the thermal and temporal stability of these superstructures and their components can be a limiting factor for their application as funct ...
A set of interatomic pair potentials is developed for ZnO based on the partially charged rigid ion model (PCRIM). The derivation of the potentials combines lattice inversion, empirical fitting, and ab initio energy surface fitting. We show that, 0 despite the low number of parame ...
A transferable force field for the PbSe-CdSe solid system using the partially charged rigid ion model has been successfully developed and was used to study the cation exchange in PbSe-CdSe heteronanocrystals [A. O. Yalcin et al., "Atomic resolution monitoring of cation exchange i ...
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are used to show that a spherical zinc blende (ZB) nanocrystal (NC) can transform into a tetrapod or an octapod as a result of heating, by a local zincblende-to-wurtzite phase transformation taking place in the NC. The partial sphere-to-tetrapo ...