G.J. Witkamp

482 records found

Iron oxide-based adsorbents showed potential to reach ultra-low phosphorus (P) concentrations to prevent eutrophication and recover P. High affinity, high capacity at low P concentrations (<1 mg L−1), good stability, and reusability of the adsorbent are key factors ...
Phosphorus (P) removal from freshwater bodies to ultra-low concentrations is fundamental to prevent eutrophication, while its recovery is necessary to close the P usage cycle. Iron oxide-based adsorbents seem promising candidates, being abundant, cheap, and easy to synthesize com ...
Sulfide is frequently suggested as a tool to release and recover phosphate from iron phosphate rich waste streams, such as sewage sludge, although systematic studies on mechanisms and efficiencies are missing. Batch experiments were conducted with different synthetic iron phospha ...
To prevent eutrophication of surface water, phosphate needs to be removed from sewage. Iron (Fe) dosing is commonly used to achieve this goal either as the main strategy or in support of biological removal. Vivianite (Fe(I ...
Kinetics of iron reduction, formation of vivianite and the microbial community in activated sludge from two sewage treatment plants (STPs) with low (STP Leeuwarden, applying enhanced biological phosphate removal, EBPR) and ...
Ionic liquids (ILs) have great potential as solvents and catalysts for pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass. However, process scale-up necessitates that IL-based pretreatment methods be optimized in terms of cost and sustainability. In this study, low-cost and easily synthesiz ...
In this study, we developed a microfluidics method, using a so-called H-cell microfluidics device, for the determination of protein diffusion coefficients at different concentrations, pHs, ionic strengths, and solvent viscosities. Protein transfer takes place in the H-cell channe ...
Phosphate is a vital nutrient but its presence in surface waters even at very low concentrations can lead to eutrophication. Adsorption is often suggested as a step for reducing phosphate down to very low concentrations. Porous metal oxides can be used as granular adsorbents that ...
Eutrophication and the resulting formation of harmful algal blooms (HAB) causes huge economic and environmental damages. Phosphorus (P) from sewage effluent and agricultural run-off has been identified as a major cause for eutrophication. Phosphorous concentrations greater than 1 ...
Biogenic iron oxides (BioFeO) formed by Leptothrix sp. and Gallionella sp. were compared with chemically formed iron oxides (ChFeO) for their suitability to remove and recover phosphate from solutions. The ChFeO used for comparison included a commercial iron-based adsorbent (GEH) ...
Phosphate recovery from sewage sludge is essential in a circular economy. Currently, the main focus in centralized municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWTPs) lies on struvite recovery routes, land application of sludge or on technologies that rely on sludge incineration. These ...
Chemical cleaning is routinely performed in reverse osmosis (RO) plants for the regeneration of RO membranes that suffer from biofouling problems. The potential of urea as a chaotropic agent to enhance the solubilization o ...
Here we propose a 3D-molecular structural model for dextran sulphate sodium (DSS) in a neutral aqueous environment based on the results of a molecular modelling study. The DSS structure is dominated by the stereochemistry of the 1,6-linked α-glucose units and the presence of two ...
Phosphate is a vital nutrient for life but its discharge from wastewater effluents can lead to eutrophication. Adsorption can be used as effluent polishing step to reduce phosphate to very low concentrations. Adsorbent reusability is an important parameter to make the adsorption ...
The aim of this study was to develop a supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) spray process to coat solid protein particles with a hydrophilic polymer. The final purpose is to manufacture drug particles exhibiting controlled release behaviour in patients. Lysozyme microp ...
Adsorption is often suggested for to reach very low phosphate levels in municipal wastewater effluent and even to recover phosphate. Adsorbent performance is usually associated with surface area but the exact role of the pore size distribution (PSD) is unclear. Here, we show the ...
The nucleation rate is essential in a number of research fields in order to control crystal formation. The purpose of this study is to test and optimize the double pulse procedure as a method to investigate nucleation of calcium carbonate. The induction time, interpreted as time ...
Iron is an important element for modern sewage treatment, inter alia to remove phosphorus from sewage. However, phosphorus recovery from iron phosphorus containing sewage sludge, without incineration, is not yet economical. We believe, increasing the knowledge about iron-phosphor ...