K. Goubitz

17 records found

Vivianite scaling in wastewater treatment plants

Occurrence, formation mechanisms and mitigation solutions

The presence of soluble iron and phosphorus in wastewater sludge can lead to vivianite scaling. This problem is not often reported in literature, most likely due to the difficult identification and quantification of this mineral. It is usually present as a hard and blue deposit t ...
Lithium halide electrolytes with high ion conductivity and good cathode compatibility have shown great potential for solid-state batteries. Li3YBr6, with a conductivity of 0.39 mS/cm at room temperature, synthesized by mechanical milling (BM-Li3YB ...
The recovery of phosphorus from secondary sources like sewage sludge is essential in a world suffering from resources depletion. Recent studies have demonstrated that phosphorus can be magnetically recovered as vivianite (Fe(II)3(PO4)2∗8H2
Sulfide is frequently suggested as a tool to release and recover phosphate from iron phosphate rich waste streams, such as sewage sludge, although systematic studies on mechanisms and efficiencies are missing. Batch experiments were conducted with different synthetic iron phospha ...
To prevent eutrophication of surface water, phosphate needs to be removed from sewage. Iron (Fe) dosing is commonly used to achieve this goal either as the main strategy or in support of biological removal. Vivianite (Fe(I ...
Kinetics of iron reduction, formation of vivianite and the microbial community in activated sludge from two sewage treatment plants (STPs) with low (STP Leeuwarden, applying enhanced biological phosphate removal, EBPR) and ...

Structural and thermodynamic study of Cs3Na(MoO4)2

Margin to the safe operation of sodium cooled fast reactors

Neutron diffraction measurements of the double molybdate Cs3Na(MoO4)2 have been performed for the first time in this work and the crystal structure refined using the Rietveld method. The thermal expansion of this trigonal phase, in space group P3¯ ...
Phosphate recovery from sewage sludge is essential in a circular economy. Currently, the main focus in centralized municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWTPs) lies on struvite recovery routes, land application of sludge or on technologies that rely on sludge incineration. These ...
Paracetamol [N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetamide, C8H9NO2] has several polymorphs, just like many other drugs. The most stable polymorphs, denoted Forms I and II, can be obtained easily and their crystal structures are known. Crystals of the orthorhombic ...
The relation between the microstructure and the magnetic properties of Fe2P-type (Mn,Fe)2(P,Si,B) based materials has been systematically investigated by changing the annealing temperature and time. X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy ...
The structure of α-Cs2Mo2O7 (monoclinic in space group P21/c), which can form during irradiation in fast breeder reactors in the space between nuclear fuel and cladding, has been refined in this work at room temperature from neutron dif ...
Given the potential applications of (Mn,Fe2(P,Si))-based materials for room-temperature magnetic refrigeration, several research groups have carried out fundamental studies aimed at understanding the role of the magneto-elastic coupling in the first-order magnetic tran ...
The high theoretical energy density of Li-O2 batteries as required for electrification of transport has pushed Li-O2 research to the forefront. The poor cyclability of this system due to incomplete Li2O2 oxidation is one of the major hu ...
Iron is an important element for modern sewage treatment, inter alia to remove phosphorus from sewage. However, phosphorus recovery from iron phosphorus containing sewage sludge, without incineration, is not yet economical. We believe, increasing the knowledge about iron-phosphor ...