Yong Li
5 records found
Lithium halide electrolytes with high ion conductivity and good cathode compatibility have shown great potential for solid-state batteries. Li3YBr6, with a conductivity of 0.39 mS/cm at room temperature, synthesized by mechanical milling (BM-Li3YB
Sand nourishment is widely adopted as an effective soft approach to provide long-term coastal safety, protect the ecology environment, and promote tourism and recreation. With the increase in frequency and expenses in beach nourishment worldwide, an adequate prediction of morphol
With the development of the materials genome philosophy and data mining methodologies, machine learning (ML) has been widely applied for discovering new materials in various systems including high-end steels with improved performance. Although recently, some attempts have been ma
As the supporting unit of rotating machinery, bearing can ensure efficient operation of the equipment. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the status of bearings accurately. A bearing fault diagnosis mothed based on Multipoint Optimal Minimum Local Mean Entropy Deconvoluti
For planetary gear has the characteristics of small volume, light weight and large transmission ratio, it is widely used in high speed and high power mechanical system. Poor working conditions result in frequent failures of planetary gear. A method is proposed for diagnosing faul