A.L. Smith

48 records found

The thermochemistry of the quaternary molten salt system NaCl-NaI-MgCl2-MgI2 has been studied using an experimental and thermodynamic modeling approach. The binary subsystems NaCl-NaI and NaCl-MgCl2 were reassessed based on existing data in the li ...
The detailed crystal structure as well as the heat capacity at low temperature and standard entropy of Ba2MoO5 are reported for the first time. High-resolution X-ray and neutron diffraction were employed to reveal the structural features of this compound. Ba2MoO5 has a six-coordi ...
Thermal properties of actinides in molten salts are linked to the strongly disordered local environment of actinide ions. We illustrate both the limitations of the commonly used fitting method for analysis of extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra in molten UF
The thermodynamic and thermo-physical properties of the molten salt system [Formula presented] have been investigated using an experimental and modelling approach. This molten salt system includes a single intermediate compound [Formula presented], whose structure has been invest ...
Lithium-based fluoride salts are one of the leading options as fuel matrix in Molten Salt Reactors. The understanding of their thermodynamic behavior, e.g. chemical stability, activity, as well as heat transfer properties, in the reactor’s environment is crucial for the safety as ...
A combined experimental and modelling study into the Pb-Mo-O system has been conducted in view of the safety analysis for lead-cooled nuclear systems. The thermal expansion and low-temperature heat capacity of the ternary compounds PbMoO4 and Pb2MoO5 have been determined experime ...
The thermodynamic and thermo-physical properties of the binary salt systems AECl2–NdCl3 (AE = Sr, Ba) have been investigated using an experimental and modelling approach. The binary salt systems both include a single intermediate salt, i.e. Sr
This work examines the thermochemistry of the chromium difluoride CrF2 corrosion product in the molten [Formula presented] fuel salt system. Through a combination of experimental investigations and thermodynamic modeling assessment, the study elucidates the thermodynam ...
The thermochemistry of the ternary system CsI-PbI2-BiI3, of interest for applications in photovoltaics, memory devices, and nuclear applications, among other things, is investigated in this work. The binary phase diagrams CsI-PbI2 and CsI-BiI ...
The quaternary compound Cs2Pb(MoO4)2 was synthesized and its structure was characterized using X-ray and neutron diffraction from 298 to 773 K, while thermal expansion was studied from 298 to 723 K. The crystal structure of the high-temperature ph ...
The heat capacities of CsPbI3, Cs4PbI6, and Cs3Bi2I9 were studied using low-temperature thermal relaxation calorimetry in the temperature range of 1.9-300 K. The three compounds are insulators, with no electronic c ...
A thorough understanding of the corrosion chemistry between molten salt fuel and structural materials (e.g., steel) is key for the advancement of Molten Salt Reactor technology. In this work, we consider more specifically the case of a chloride fuel salt mixture and the thermoche ...

Correction: Ocádiz Flores et al. Thermodynamic Description of the ACl-ThCl4 (A = Li, Na, K) Systems

Thermodynamic Description of the ACl-ThCl4 (A = Li, Na, K) Systems (Thermo, (2021), 1, 2, (122-133), 10.3390/thermo1020009)

Corrected excess Gibbs energies of the liquid solutions in the ACl-ThCl4 (A = Li, Na, K), as well as revised standard enthalpies of formation and standard entropies of the intermediate phases occurring in the binary systems, are presented. The phase diagrams are reproduced to a s ...

Using the Quasi-chemical formalism beyond the phase Diagram

Density and viscosity models for molten salt fuel systems

CALPHAD models to compute the density and viscosity of four keystone systems related to Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) technology have been optimized: NaCl-UCl3, LiF-ThF4, LiF-UF4, and LiF-ThF4-UF4. Revised thermodynamic assessmen ...
Chloride salts are considered a good alternative to fluoride salts as fuel carrier in the Molten Salt Fast Reactor concepts. The NaCl–ThCl4–PuCl3 fuel salt solution seems very promising, with low melting temperature eutectic compositions, and the potential to be used in a breeder ...

Structure-property relationships in actinide containing molten salts – A review

Understanding and modelling the chemistry of nuclear fuel salts

Molten salts have recently received increased attention worldwide as key materials for sustainable and low-carbon energy supply technologies (e.g. thermal energy storage, concentrated solar power technologies, fission and fusion nuclear reactors) thanks to their appealing thermo- ...
The ACl-ThCl (Formula presented.) (A = Li, Na, K) systems could be of relevance to the nuclear industry in the near future. A thermodynamic investigation of the three binary systems is presented herein. The excess Gibbs energy of the liquid solutions is described using the quasi- ...

New insights into the Cs-Mo-O system

Experimental studies of the Cs2MoO4-MoO3 pseudo-binary system

The ternary cesium molybdates Cs2Mo2O7, Cs2Mo3O10, Cs2Mo5O16 and Cs2Mo7O22 have been synthesized in this work using a solid state route and their st ...
Molten chloride salts are ionic liquids in which the anions and cations exhibit network formation. An attractive salt system for use in molten salt reactors is NaCl-UCl3, an ionic liquid with complex non-ideal thermodynamic behaviour due to the formation of short-range ...
The structural, thermochemical, and thermophysical properties of the NaF-ThF4 fuel system were studied with experimental methods and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Equilibrium MD (EMD) simulations using the polarizable ion model were performed to calculate the density, mola ...