J.A. Ocadiz flores
13 records found
A thorough understanding of the corrosion chemistry between molten salt fuel and structural materials (e.g., steel) is key for the advancement of Molten Salt Reactor technology. In this work, we consider more specifically the case of a chloride fuel salt mixture and the thermoche
Correction: Ocádiz Flores et al. Thermodynamic Description of the ACl-ThCl4 (A = Li, Na, K) Systems
Thermodynamic Description of the ACl-ThCl4 (A = Li, Na, K) Systems (Thermo, (2021), 1, 2, (122-133), 10.3390/thermo1020009)
Corrected excess Gibbs energies of the liquid solutions in the ACl-ThCl4 (A = Li, Na, K), as well as revised standard enthalpies of formation and standard entropies of the intermediate phases occurring in the binary systems, are presented. The phase diagrams are reproduced to a s
Using the Quasi-chemical formalism beyond the phase Diagram
Density and viscosity models for molten salt fuel systems
CALPHAD models to compute the density and viscosity of four keystone systems related to Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) technology have been optimized: NaCl-UCl3, LiF-ThF4, LiF-UF4, and LiF-ThF4-UF4. Revised thermodynamic assessmen
A promising fuel for fast neutron spectrum Molten Salt Reactor
Chloride salts are considered a good alternative to fluoride salts as fuel carrier in the Molten Salt Fast Reactor concepts. The NaCl–ThCl4–PuCl3 fuel salt solution seems very promising, with low melting temperature eutectic compositions, and the potential to be used in a breeder
Molten Salt Reactor Chemistry
Structure and Equilibria
Molten salts are a class of ionic liquids which have in recent years been the focus of extensive fundamental research given that they are a versatile class of reaction media with a variety of appealing thermophysical and thermochemical properties (e.g. melting points, heat capaci
© 2021 The Authors LiF-UF4 is a key binary system for molten fluoride reactor technology, which has not been scrutinized as thoroughly as the closely related LiF-ThF4 system. The phase diagram equilibria in the system LiF-UF4 are explored in this work with X-ray diffraction (XRD)
Molten chloride salts are ionic liquids in which the anions and cations exhibit network formation. An attractive salt system for use in molten salt reactors is NaCl-UCl3, an ionic liquid with complex non-ideal thermodynamic behaviour due to the formation of short-range
The ACl-ThCl (Formula presented.) (A = Li, Na, K) systems could be of relevance to the nuclear industry in the near future. A thermodynamic investigation of the three binary systems is presented herein. The excess Gibbs energy of the liquid solutions is described using the quasi-
Experimental and Computational Exploration of the NaF-ThF4Fuel System
Structure and Thermochemistry
The structural, thermochemical, and thermophysical properties of the NaF-ThF4 fuel system were studied with experimental methods and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Equilibrium MD (EMD) simulations using the polarizable ion model were performed to calculate the density, mola
Examination of the short-range structure of molten salts
ThF4, UF4, and related alkali actinide fluoride systems
The short-range structures of LiF-ThF4, NaF-AnF4, KF-AnF4, and Cs-AnF4 (An = Th, U), were probed using in situ high temperature Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. Signally, the EXAFS spectra of pure molten ThF4 and UF4 were measured for the first time.
A thermodynamic assessment of the KF-ThF4 binary system using the CALPHAD method is presented, where the liquid solution is described by the modified quasichemical formalism in the quadruplet approximation. The optimization of the phase diagram is based on experimental
Using the modified quasi-chemical model in the quadruplet approximation, three new thermodynamic assessments of binary systems useful for the detailed operational design of the Molten Salt Reactor are presented: AF-NiF2 (A = Li, Na, K). These systems are particularly r
The development at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft, The Netherlands) of an experimental set-up dedicated to high-temperature in situ EXAFS measurements of radioactive, air-sensitive and corrosive fluoride salts is reported. A detailed description of the sample contai