J. Zlopasa
26 records found
Tailoring the order in hierarchical structures is a key goal of bioinspired nanocomposite design. Recently, nacre-like materials have been developed by solvent evaporation methods that are scalable and attain advanced functionalities. However, understanding the alignment mechanis
High-performance bioinspired materials have shown rapid development over the last decade. Examples are brick-and-mortar hierarchical structures, which are often achieved via solvent evaporation. Although good properties are claimed, most systems are composed of stacked or interca
Nereda® aerobic granular sludge plants will be urban biorefineries in near future. The development of Kaumera Nereda® Gum extractions from granular sludge was the first step. Kaumera is a biopolymer that can substitute oil derived polymers. Here we share our experiences in the EU
The promise of crystal composites with direction-specific properties is an attractive prospect for diverse applications; however, synthetic strategies for realizing such composites remain elusive. Here, we demonstrate that anisotropic agarose gel networks can mechanically "mold"
Wastewater solids could be an attractive source of secondary raw cellulose, mainly originating from toilet paper. Cellulose can be recovered through sieving of raw wastewater, return sludge, or excess sludge. In particular, a large fraction of cellulose (13–15%) can be found in t
An increasing amount of industrial chemicals are being released into wastewater collection systems and indigenous microbial communities in treatment plants are not always effective for their removal. In this work, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) recovered from aerobic gr
Structural extracellular polymeric substances (structural EPS) can form stable hydrogels and are considered to be responsible for the stability of biofilms and aerobic granular sludge. Structural EPS were extracted from aerobic granular sludge and characterized for their gel-form
The circular economy requires high-value material recovery to enable multiple product lifecycles. This implies the need for additive manufacturing to focus on the development and use of low-impact materials that, after product use, can be reconstituted to their original propertie
A comparison between chemical cleaning efficiency in lab-scale and full-scale reverse osmosis membranes
Role of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS)
Chemical cleaning is vital for the optimal operation of membrane systems. Membrane chemical cleaning protocols are often developed in the laboratory flow cells (e.g., Membrane Fouling Simulator (MFS)) using synthetic feed water (nutrient excess) and short experimental time of typ
Routine chemical cleaning with the combined use of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) is carried out as a means of biofouling control in reverse osmosis (RO) membranes. The novelty of the research presented herein is in the application of urea, instead of NaOH, a
Chemical cleaning is routinely performed in reverse osmosis (RO) plants for the regeneration of RO membranes that suffer from biofouling problems. The potential of urea as a chaotropic agent to enhance the solubilization o
Harnessing the metabolism of PAOs and GAOs to recover alginate-like exopolymers from used water resource
From residual granular sludge to a valorized product
Nature displays a multitude of fascinating materials, from beautiful colors of butterfly wings to the toughness of mullosc shells, which are formed in mild enviornmental conditions with commonly occuring materials, such as chitosan or calcium carbonate. These composite materials
Here we report on a study of a rheological behavior of sodium alginate and montmorillonite suspension. We find that viscoelastic behavior of this suspension is dramatically affected with increasing volume fraction of montmorillonite platelets. Addition of montmorillonite generall
The water sorption and diffusion in (reduced) graphene oxide-alginate composites of various compositions is analyzed. Water sorption of sodium alginate can be significantly reduced by the inclusion of graphene oxide sheets due to the formation of an extensive hydrogen bonding net
Most concrete structures are designed to last for at least 50 years or more. During their lifetime these structures are exposed to various environmental actions. On going cement hydration guarantees a stronger concrete in terms of bond between the aggregates, fewer voids, and dep