C. Picioreanu
200 records found
In large-scale syngas fermentation, strong gradients in dissolved gas (CO, H2) concentrations are very likely to occur due to locally varying mass transfer and convection rates. Using Euler-Lagrangian CFD simulations, we analyzed these gradients in an industrial-scale
The application of membrane technology for water treatment and reuse is hampered by the development of a microbial biofilm. Biofilm growth in micro-and ultrafiltration (MF/UF) membrane modules, on both the membrane surface and feed spacer, can form a secondary membrane and exert
Mass transfer limitations in syngas fermentation processes are mostly attributed to poor solubility of CO and H2 in water. Despite these assumed limitations, a syngas fermentation process has recently been commercialized. Using large-sale external-loop gas-lift reactor
Coral reefs are constructed by calcifying coral animals that engage in a symbiosis with dinoflagellate microalgae harboured in their tissue. The symbiosis takes place in the presence of steep and dynamic gradients of light, temperature and chemical species that are affected by th
Experimental data showed that high-speed microsprays can effectively disrupt biofilms on their support substratum, producing a variety of dynamic reactions such as elongation, displacement, ripple formation, and fluidization. However, the mechanics underlying the impact of high-s
The economic impact of fouling in spiral wound membranes is not yet well explored. There has been an established assumption that the cost of fouling in membrane processes is significant, but this hypothesis has not been thoroughly evaluated. We conducted an economic analysis on s
A comparison between chemical cleaning efficiency in lab-scale and full-scale reverse osmosis membranes
Role of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS)
Chemical cleaning is vital for the optimal operation of membrane systems. Membrane chemical cleaning protocols are often developed in the laboratory flow cells (e.g., Membrane Fouling Simulator (MFS)) using synthetic feed water (nutrient excess) and short experimental time of typ
Metabolic interactions between cells affect microbial community compositions and hence their function in ecosystems. It is well-known that under competition for the exchanged metabolite, concentration gradients constrain the distances over which interactions can occur. However, i
New insight into CO2-mediated denitrification process in H2-based membrane biofilm reactor
An experimental and modeling study
The H2-based membrane biofilm reactor (H2−MBfR) is an emerging technology for removal of nitrate (NO3−) in water supplies. In this research, a lab-scale H2−MBfR equipped with a separated CO2 providing system and a
The emergence of phenotypic diversity in a population of cells and their arrangement in space and time is one of the most fascinating features of living systems. In fact, understanding multicellularity is unthinkable without explaining the proximate and the ultimate causes of cel
Transporting materials from Earth to Mars is a significant logistical constraint on mission design. Thus, a sustained settlement will be enhanced if it can perform elemental extraction and utilization in situ. In this study, all requirements to test a novel, biological approach f
Biofilm compressibility in ultrafiltration
A relation between biofilm morphology, mechanics and hydraulic resistance
Poroelastic fluid-structure interaction models were coupled to experimental data to determine the effects of biofilm spatial distribution of mechanical and hydraulic properties on the biofilm hydraulic resistance and compressibility in membrane filtration processes. Biofilms were
A vital component of spiral-wound membrane modules is the spacer mesh. It not only structurally supports the membranes but also aids in mass-transport enhancement through the membrane surface. Fundamental understanding of hydrodynamics associated with these spacer designs is crit
Groundwater microorganisms hardly ever cover the solid matrix uniformly–instead they form micro-scale colonies. To which extent such colony formation limits the bioavailability and biodegradation of a substrate is poorly understood. We used a high-resolution numerical model of a
Whole-cell bacterial bioreporters are proposed as alternatives to chemical analysis of, for example, pollutants in environmental compartments. Commonly based on reporter gene induction, bioreporters produce a detectable signal within 30 min to a few hours after exposure to the ch
The advantage of using non-invasive imaging such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) to asses material properties from deformed biofilm geometries can be compromised by the assumptions made on fluid forces acting on the biofilm. This study developed a method for the determinati
Effect of biofilm structural deformation on hydraulic resistance during ultrafiltration
A numerical and experimental study
Biofilm formation in membrane systems negatively impacts the filtration system performances. This study evaluated how biofilm compression driven by permeate flow increases the hydraulic resistance and leads to reduction in permeate flux. We analysed the effect of biofilm compress