E.F. Almeida Benalcazar

14 records found

BACKGROUND: Carboxylates such as volatile fatty acids (VFA) can be produced by acidogenic fermentation (AF) of dairy wastes including cheese whey, a massive residue produced at 160.67 million m3 of which 42% are not valorized and impact the environment. In mixed-cultur ...
Gradients in dissolved gas concentrations are expected to affect the performance of large reactors for anaerobic gas (CO, H2, CO2) fermentation. To study how these gradients, and the dissolved gas concentration level itself, influence the productivity of the desired product ethan ...
In large-scale syngas fermentation, strong gradients in dissolved gas (CO, H2) concentrations are very likely to occur due to locally varying mass transfer and convection rates. Using Euler-Lagrangian CFD simulations, we analyzed these gradients in an industrial-scale ...
The mitigation of global warming requires an urgent shift from the fossil fuel-based productive matrix currently in place. Technological platforms are being developed to reduce the amount of carbon of fossil origin, which is emitted to the atmosphere as a side-product from the pr ...

Decarbonizing ethanol production via gas fermentation

Impact of the CO/H2/CO2 mix source on greenhouse gas emissions and production costs

This study explores key success factors for ethanol production via fermentation of gas streams, by assessing the effects of eight process variables driving the fermentation performance on the production costs and greenhouse gas emissions. Three fermentation feedstocks are assesse ...
This study describes a methodological framework designed for the systematic processing of experimental syngas fermentation data for its use by metabolic models at pseudo-steady state and at transient state. The developed approach allows the use of not only own experimental data b ...
This study assesses the sensitivity of the technical, environmental and economic performance of three ethanol production process based on the fermentation of three gas mixtures: i) CO-rich flue gas from steel manufacturing, ii) biomass-based syngas with a H2/CO ratio o ...

Modeling ethanol production through gas fermentation

A biothermodynamics and mass transfer-based hybrid model for microbial growth in a large-scale bubble column bioreactor

Background: Ethanol production through fermentation of gas mixtures containing CO, CO2 and H2 has just started operating at commercial scale. However, quantitative schemes for understanding and predicting productivities, yields, mass transfer rates, gas flow ...

Hybrid model for ethanol production via syngas fermentation

Coupling between a thermodynamics-based black-box model of bacterial reactions and mass transfer in a large-scale bubble column bioreactor

The present study describes the procedure followed to construct, to quantitatively validate and the utilization of a mathematical model to simulate ethanol production inside a large-scale bubble column bioreactor fed by syngas of two possible compositions i.e., pure CO and a 3:1 ...

Production of bulk chemicals from lignocellulosic biomass via thermochemical conversion and syngas fermentation

A comparative techno-economic and environmental assessment of different site-specific supply chain configurations

This study presents the design and assessment of site-specific supply chains and related manufacturing processes for the production of bio-based chemicals from the syngas platform and via gasification of lignocellulosic biomass followed by syngas fermentation. The supply chains i ...