Rubens Maciel Filho

17 records found

Decarbonizing ethanol production via gas fermentation

Impact of the CO/H2/CO2 mix source on greenhouse gas emissions and production costs

This study explores key success factors for ethanol production via fermentation of gas streams, by assessing the effects of eight process variables driving the fermentation performance on the production costs and greenhouse gas emissions. Three fermentation feedstocks are assesse ...
This study describes a methodological framework designed for the systematic processing of experimental syngas fermentation data for its use by metabolic models at pseudo-steady state and at transient state. The developed approach allows the use of not only own experimental data b ...

5.16 - Sustainable Aviation Fuels

Production, Use and Impact on Decarbonization

Sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) are fuels that have potential to be sustainably produced and to generate lower carbon emissions when compared to the conventional kerosene. Wider SAF production and utilization represent nowadays an important step to move towards a more sustainabl ...
This work presents a strategy for optimizing the production process of ethanol via integrated gasification and syngas fermentation, a conversion platform of growing interest for its contribution to carbon recycling. The objective functions (minimum ethanol selling price (MESP), e ...
Co-fermentation of mixed sugars to produce butanol is an attractive route in sucrochemical production chains. Herein, high-level mixed sugars from sugarcane bagasse hemicellulosic hydrolysate (HH) and molasses (SCM) were investigated as potential substrates for acetone-butanol-et ...
In this work, the techno-economic and exergy analyses of two gasification technologies with integration into heat and power combined cycles are presented: i). Circulating fluidized bed (CFB) and ii). Dual fluidized bed (DFB) systems. As feedstock, lignocellulosic biomass (sugarca ...
This study assesses the sensitivity of the technical, environmental and economic performance of three ethanol production process based on the fermentation of three gas mixtures: i) CO-rich flue gas from steel manufacturing, ii) biomass-based syngas with a H2/CO ratio o ...

Production of ethanol fuel via syngas fermentation

Optimization of economic performance and energy efficiency

In this work, a model was developed to predict the performance of a bubble column reactor for syngas fermentation and the subsequent recovery of anhydrous ethanol. The model was embedded in an optimization framework which employs surrogate models (artificial neural networks) and ...

Modeling ethanol production through gas fermentation

A biothermodynamics and mass transfer-based hybrid model for microbial growth in a large-scale bubble column bioreactor

Background: Ethanol production through fermentation of gas mixtures containing CO, CO2 and H2 has just started operating at commercial scale. However, quantitative schemes for understanding and predicting productivities, yields, mass transfer rates, gas flow ...
Exergy and environmental analyses have been developed to determine the performance of the electricity generation in the Dutch mix. A comparative assessment of diverse technological routes, including fossil and renewable energy resources consumption, is carried out in terms of the ...
Ethanol may be produced from waste materials via a thermochemical-biochemical route employing gasification and syngas fermentation by acetogenic bacteria. This process is considered promising, but commercialization might be hindered by sub-optimal choices of design and operating ...
Increasing efforts in developing sustainable and economically viable technologies to produce transportation fuels have been made in the last decades. Particularly, the aviation industry has conceived that biojet fuels are vital to decrease 50% of the greenhouse gas emissions by 2 ...

Dynamic modeling of syngas fermentation in a continuous stirred-tank reactor

Multi-response parameter estimation and process optimization

Syngas fermentation is one of the bets for the future sustainable biobased economies due to its potential as an intermediate step in the conversion of waste carbon to ethanol fuel and other chemicals. Integrated with gasification and suitable downstream processing, it may constit ...

Towards enhanced n-butanol production from sugarcane bagasse hemicellulosic hydrolysate

Strain screening, and the effects of sugar concentration and butanol tolerance

Robust strains are essential towards success of n-butanol production from lignocellulosic feedstock. To find a suitable strain to convert a non-detoxified hemicellulosic hydrolysate of sugarcane bagasse, we first assessed the performance of four wild-type butanol-producing Clostr ...

Hybrid model for ethanol production via syngas fermentation

Coupling between a thermodynamics-based black-box model of bacterial reactions and mass transfer in a large-scale bubble column bioreactor

The present study describes the procedure followed to construct, to quantitatively validate and the utilization of a mathematical model to simulate ethanol production inside a large-scale bubble column bioreactor fed by syngas of two possible compositions i.e., pure CO and a 3:1 ...
This paper presents the process design and assessment of a sugarcane-based ethanol production system that combines the usage of both mass and heat integration (pinch analysis) strategies to enhance the process efficiency and renewability performance. Three configurations were ana ...
Production of second generation ethanol can be accomplished with biomass gasification followed by syngas fermentation using acetogenic bacteria in a hybrid process. Using process simulation and financial analysis, this study evaluated the feasibility of producing hydrous ethanol ...