S. I. Mussatto

8 records found

An experimental cascade biorefinery from orange residues

Sequential recovery of bioactive compounds, pectin, and fermentation of sugar-rich side streams using conventional and non-conventional yeasts

The valorization of fruit-derived residues under the biorefinery concept has been a topic of interest in the last years due to the presence of high value-added substances in their composition. However, feasible alternatives for their implementation at an industrial level are stil ...
Compositional data on vegetable biomass is widely available from research papers and online databases. However, the high diversity of biomass characteristics and composition represents a challenge for researchers and companies willing to produce novel substances from residues, an ...
Fruit waste (FW), mainly from agroindustry, is currently left behind in landfills despite its rich composition. The bioactive compounds (e.g., oils, polyphenols), carbohydrates, and lignin present in this biomass type require comprehensive characterization (i.e., identification a ...

Corrigendum to bioprocess intensification

Cases that (don't) work (New BIOTECHNOLOGY (2021) 61 (108–115), (S1871678420301965), (10.1016/j.nbt.2020.11.007))

Table 2 in printed publication was miss-set, and should read as follows: [Table presented] The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.@en

Bioprocess intensification

Cases that (don't) work

Development of affordable and low carbon biobased manufacturing depends critically on strategies that reduce cost and emission profiles. This paper indicates that efforts around the reduction of capital costs by intensification of process equipment need to be carefully weighed ag ...
The enzymatic conversion of lignocellulosic material to sugars can provide a carbon source for the production of energy (fuels) and a wide range of renewable products. However, the efficiency of this conversion is impaired due to product (sugar) inhibition. Even though several st ...
Aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) can be applied to enzymatic reactions that are affected by product inhibition. In the biorefinery context, sugars inhibit the cellulolytic enzymes in charge of converting the biomass. Here, we present a strategy to select an ATPS (formed by polyme ...
This study presents a techno-economic analysis and an environmental assessment, of the whole production chain (biomass production, sugar extraction, biomass pretreatment, sugars fermentation, and products recovery and purification), of a fully autarkic sugarcane-based biorefinery ...