P. Osseweijer
149 records found
Macaw palm (Acrocomia spp.)
An opportunity for including smallholders in Brazil's biodiesel production
Promoting inclusive development through public policies is a complex task that presents different challenges and even controversies. The National Program for Biodiesel Production and Use (PNPB) in Brazil is one example of an effort to promote sustainable development within an inc
Designing bio-based value chains for social justice
The potential of Capability Sensitive Design
Bio-based value chains (BBVCs) have often been criticized for their detrimental social and environmental effects. Existing methods such as social impact assessment do not sufficiently address these negative effects because of their limited focus and lack of attention to social ju
Capability Approach and Inclusion
Developing a Context Sensitive Design for Biobased Value Chains
Biomass such as crops and agricultural waste is increasingly used as the primary resource for products like bioplastics and biofuels. Incorporating the needs, knowledge, skills and values of biomass producers in the design of global value chains – the steps involved in creating a
The recovery of resources, including water reuse, has been presented as a solution to overcome scarcity, and improve the economic and environmental performance of water provision and treatment. However, its implementation faces non-technical challenges, including the need to coll
Aviation biofuels are promising to reduce carbon emissions in the aviation sector. However, emerging concerns over biofuels indicate a need for sustainability analyses that take into consideration the context around biofuel production. Here, we present a novel ex-ante sustainabil
5.16 - Sustainable Aviation Fuels
Production, Use and Impact on Decarbonization
Sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) are fuels that have potential to be sustainably produced and to generate lower carbon emissions when compared to the conventional kerosene. Wider SAF production and utilization represent nowadays an important step to move towards a more sustainabl
Eighty percent of wastewater is left untreated or not reused, exacerbating the water quality challenge, especially in vulnerable communities. This Voices asks: how can we improve wastewater management and convert wastewater into a resource?@en
Power struggles in policy feedback processes
Incremental steps towards a circular economy within Dutch wastewater policy
Environmental problems are usually not tackled with path-departing policies but rather with incrementally adjusted or unchanged policies. One way to address incremental change is the policy feedback approach, which initially focussed on self-reinforcing feedback and path-dependen
The carbon footprint of alternative jet fuels produced in Brazil
Exploring different approaches
Although the potential of Alternative Jet Fuels (AJF) to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions has been widely reported upon in the literature, there are still discrepancies among the results. These may be due to the different GHG accounting methods, including those used by dif
Incumbents' enabling role in niche-innovation
Power dynamics in a wastewater project
More pluralised understandings of incumbencies are often overlooked in transitions research, which may lead to underestimating the enabling roles of incumbents in niche projects. This study explores these roles by applying a power framework to five struggles revolving around a pa
Opening the conceptual design of biobased processes to a context-sensitive sustainability analysis
Biobased production has been promoted as an alternative to fossil-based production to mitigate climate change. However, emerging concerns over the sustainability of biobased products have shown that tensions can emerge between different objectives and concerns, like emission redu
The TRANSCEND project (as part of the Clean Sky 2 Technology Evaluator) aims to develop roadmaps for full scale entry-into-service of selected propulsion technologies and alternative fuels in the period 2035-2050, in line the emission target of FlightPath-2050 for the period 2035
The objective of this paper is to compare, under Dutch market conditions, the energy consumption and net costs of membrane-based advanced treatment processes for three water reuse types (i.e. potable, industrial, agricultural reuse). The water source is municipal waste-water trea
Meta-responsibility in corporate research and innovation
A bioeconomic case study
The term "responsibility" embodies many meanings, also in the context of corporate research and innovation (R&I). The approach of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) has emerged as a promoter for responsible conduct of innovation but so far lacks a systematic framework
Municipal wastewater cannot any longer be perceived as a waste stream because it contains water, energy, fertilizer and other products that can be recovered with innovative technologies in so called ‘water resource factories’. Therefore a paradigm shift has been proclaimed to des
The growth in biofuels’ investment brings with it concerns about the social and environmental impacts of the sector. Several tools and frameworks have been used to address these concerns, including the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) framework. This paper analyzes wheth
Biobased production has been promoted as a sustainable alternative to fossil resources. However, controversies over its impact on sustainability highlight societal concerns, value tensions and uncertainties that have not been taken into account during its development. In this wor
Environmental trade-offs of renewable jet fuels in Brazil
Beyond the carbon footprint
The use of renewable jet fuels (RJFs) is an option for meeting the greenhouse gases (GHG) reduction targets of the aviation sector. Therefore, most of the studies have focused on climate change indicators, but other environmental impacts have been disregarded. In this paper, an a
Human health impacts of aviation biofuel production
Exploring the application of different life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methods for biofuel supply chains
The life cycle human health (HH) impacts related to aviation biofuels have been understood in a limited way. Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methods for assessing HH are often associated with a high level of uncertainty and a low level of consensus. As a result, it remains ch
The SPPD-WRF framework
A novel and holistic methodology for strategical planning and process design of water resource factories
This paper guides decision making in more sustainable urban water management practices that feed into a circular economy by presenting a novel framework for conceptually designing and strategically planning wastewater treatment processes from a resource recovery perspective. Muni