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K.M.B. Jansen

242 records found


Designing a Multimorphic Textile Artefact for Performativity

Multimorphic textile-forms, obtained through simultaneous thinking of material and form that change in design and/or use time, have the potential to elicit diverse performances in the use of textile artefacts, thereby extending their relevance in our everyday lives. We present An ...

A novel rigidizable inflatable lunar habitation system

Design concept and material characterization

Constructing lunar bases is crucial as lunar missions progress towards utilization and exploitation. The challenging lunar environment, with its unique characteristics and limited resources, requires special materials, structures, and construction methods. Inflatable structures o ...
Where previously the thermal indoor climate in a Dutch office was mainly assessed on the basis of sedentary activities, one must now also take into account activities associated with a higher metabolic rate to improve health by reducing sitting. This subject is receiving attentio ...


Enhancing Pneumatic Wearable Haptics with Vibrotactile Actuation

MobiTouch is a wearable haptic device that integrates pneumatic and vibrotactile technologies to enhance touch sensations. The system addresses the slow responsiveness of small pneumatic components by compensating with vibrations, allowing for more diverse touch patterns. The wri ...


Modular Self-folding Hinges Kit for Creating Shape-changing Objects

We developed a shape-changing constructive kit, named Mimosa1. A key component of the toolkit is the modular hinges, each of which is equipped with two antagonistic shape memory alloy (SMA) wires. One wire deforms the hinge to approach its predetermined angle at high temperature, ...
The paper explores the potential applications of adaptive components based on shape memory polymer (SMP) composites in vibration control of plate/shell structures and rigidization of inflatable structures. These components achieve stiffness and damping variation by thermally actu ...
Textile heaters are made from knitted conductive yarns integrated into their fabric, making them stretchable, washable, breathable and suitable for close-to-skin wear. However, the non-zero resistance in the lead wires causes non-uniform power distribution, which presents a desig ...
Conventional hinge actuators often face limitations including excessive weight, large size and unpleasant noise. Shape memory alloys (SMAs) offer a solution to address these issues due to their favorable characteristics, such as lightweight, high actuation force and small form fa ...
Tailoring the order in hierarchical structures is a key goal of bioinspired nanocomposite design. Recently, nacre-like materials have been developed by solvent evaporation methods that are scalable and attain advanced functionalities. However, understanding the alignment mechanis ...
As an emerging technology, smart textiles have attracted attention for rehabilitation purposes to monitor heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, body posture and limb movements. Compared with traditional sensors, knitted sensors constructed from conductive yarns are breathab ...


Exploring Visual and Vibrotactile Displays for Social Breath Awareness during Colocated, Collaborative Tasks

Sharing breathing signals has the capacity to provide insights into hidden experiences and enhance interpersonal communication. However, it remains unclear how the modality of breath signals (visual, haptic) is socially interpreted during collaborative tasks. In this mixed-method ...
PURPOSE: For wheelchair users with a spinal cord injury, the lower body may be a more convenient cooling site than the upper body. However, it remains unknown if leg cooling reduces thermal strain in these individuals. We compared the impact of upper-body versus lower-body coolin ...
As an emerging technology, smart textiles have attracted attention for rehabilitation purposes or to monitor heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, body posture, as well as limb movements. Traditional rigid sensors do not always provide the desired level of comfort, flexibil ...
Devices delivering sophisticated and natural haptic feedback often encompass numerous mechanical elements, leading to increased sizes and wearability challenges. Shape memory alloys (SMAs) are lightweight, compact, and have high power-to-weight ratios, and thus can easily be embe ...
Objectives To evaluate how separate and combined climatic parameters affect peak core temperature during exercise in the heat using computer simulations fed with individual data. Methods The impact of eight environmental conditions on rectal temperature (T re) was determined for ...
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the question “In what order of magnitude does the comfort and performance improvement lie with the use of a cooling vest for construction workers?”. Design/methodology/approach: The use of personal cooling systems, in the form of c ...
In this study, using construction activities as an example, a proposal is made for the time-dependent prediction of the thermal sensation and the performance loss using a cooling vest, under transient conditions. The approach presented here can, mutatis mutandis, be used for any ...

The unfolding of textileness in animated textiles:

An exploration of woven textile-forms

Designers of textile-based interactive systems tend to treat woven fabrics as static materials and lack deeper understandings of how the textile can be designed for responsive behaviours in artefacts. As a result, in most studies across design and HCI, textiles are employed as su ...

Get a Grip on Stress with Grippy!

A Field Study to Understand Human-Wearable Partnerships in Stress Management

Smart wearables are increasingly used to help people deal with stress. Still, a less explored area of research in this field concerns the partnerships that smart wearables can take on when engaging people in stress-coping activities. To facilitate further understanding of the hum ...
Cooling vests containing phase change materials (PCMs) are used to reduce heat stress in hot environments and maintain the body core temperature within a safe range. The performance of such cooling vests depends in a complicated way on the PCM material and mass, the insulation va ...