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OG Schmidt
Academic Work (15)
Book chapter (1)
Conference paper (2)
Journal article (12)
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15 records found
A light-hole exciton in a quantum dot
Journal article (2014) -
YH Huo (author)
B.J. Witek (author)
R Trotta (author)
A Ding (author)
J Stangl (author)
Val Zwiller (author)
V.G. Zwiller (author)
V. Zwiller (author)
V Zwiller (author)
G Bester (author)
A Rastelli (author)
OG Schmidt (author)
S Kumar (author)
JR Cardenas (author)
JX Zhang (author)
N. Akopian (author)
R Singh (author)
E Zallo (author)
R Grifone (author)
D Kriegner (author)
Excitons confined in Single Semiconductor Quantum Rings: Observation and Manipulation of Aharonov-Bohm-type Oscillations
Book chapter (2013) -
F Ding (author)
F Ding (author)
B Li (author)
FM Peeters (author)
A Rastelli (author)
V. Zwiller (author)
V.G. Zwiller (author)
Val Zwiller (author)
V Zwiller (author)
OG Schmidt (author)
Single neutral excitons confined in AsBr3 in situ etched ingaas quantum rings
Journal article (2011) -
F Ding (author)
F Ding (author)
B Li (author)
N. Akopian (author)
U Perinetti (author)
YH Chen (author)
FM Peeters (author)
A Rastelli (author)
V. Zwiller (author)
Val Zwiller (author)
V.G. Zwiller (author)
V Zwiller (author)
OG Schmidt (author)
Integration of MOSFETs with SiGe dots as stressor material
Journal article (2011) -
L. K. Nanver (author)
LK Nanver (author)
L.K. Nanver (author)
V. Jovanovic (author)
L Miglio (author)
H Kosina (author)
A Marzegalli (author)
G Vastola (author)
G Mussler (author)
J Stangl (author)
G Bauer (author)
J. van der Cingel (author)
E Bonera (author)
C Biasotto (author)
J Moers (author)
D Gruetzmacher (author)
JJ Zhang (author)
N Hrauda (author)
M Stoffel (author)
F Pezzoli (author)
OG Schmidt (author)
Hybrid semiconductor-atomic interface: slowing down single photons from a quantum dot
Journal article (2011) -
N. Akopian (author)
L Wang (author)
L. . Wang (author)
L. Wang (author)
A Rastelli (author)
OG Schmidt (author)
V.G. Zwiller (author)
V. Zwiller (author)
Val Zwiller (author)
V Zwiller (author)
MOSFETS on self assembled SiGe dots with strain-enhanced mobility
Conference paper (2010) -
V. Jovanovic (author)
C Biasotto (author)
G Bauer (author)
OG Schmidt (author)
L Miglio (author)
L. K. Nanver (author)
LK Nanver (author)
L.K. Nanver (author)
J Moers (author)
D Grutzmacher (author)
J Gerharz (author)
G Mussler (author)
J. van der Cingel (author)
J Zhang (author)
Z Jianjun (author)
n-Channel MOSFETs fabricated on SiGe dots for strain-enhanced mobility
Journal article (2010) -
V. Jovanovic (author)
C Biasotto (author)
OG Schmidt (author)
L Miglio (author)
LK Nanver (author)
L. K. Nanver (author)
L.K. Nanver (author)
J Moers (author)
D Gruetzmacher (author)
J Gerharz (author)
G Mussler (author)
J. van der Cingel (author)
J. Zhang (author)
Jing Zhang (author)
Jing Guo Zhang (author)
G Bauer (author)
tuning single GaAs quantum dots in resonance with a rubidium vapor
Journal article (2010) -
N. Akopian (author)
U Perinetti (author)
L. Wang (author)
L Wang (author)
L. . Wang (author)
OG Schmidt (author)
A Rastelli (author)
V. Zwiller (author)
V Zwiller (author)
Val Zwiller (author)
V.G. Zwiller (author)
N-channel MOSFETS fabricated on self assembled SiGe dots for strain-enhanced moblity
Conference paper (2010) -
V. Jovanovic (author)
C Biasotto (author)
G Mussler (author)
J Stangl (author)
G Bauer (author)
J. van der Cingel (author)
E Bonera (author)
L.K. Nanver (author)
L. K. Nanver (author)
LK Nanver (author)
J Moers (author)
D Grutzmacher (author)
J. Zhang (author)
OG Schmidt (author)
L Miglio (author)
H Kosina (author)
A Marzegalli (author)
G Vastola (author)
controlled aharonov-bohm oscillations with a single neutral exciton
Journal article (2010) -
F Ding (author)
F Ding (author)
N. Akopian (author)
A Rastelli (author)
OG Schmidt (author)
Val Zwiller (author)
V Zwiller (author)
V.G. Zwiller (author)
V. Zwiller (author)
B Li (author)
U Perinetti (author)
A Govorov (author)
FM Peeters (author)
CC Bof Bufon (author)
C Deneke (author)
S Kiravittaya (author)
YH Chen (author)
Tuning the exciton binding energies in single self-assembled InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots by piezoelectric-induced biaxal stress
Journal article (2010) -
F Ding (author)
F Ding (author)
R Singh (author)
A Rastelli (author)
OG Schmidt (author)
JD Plumhof (author)
T Zander (author)
V Kapek (author)
YH Chen (author)
M Benyouchef (author)
Val Zwiller (author)
V.G. Zwiller (author)
V. Zwiller (author)
V Zwiller (author)
K Dorr (author)
G Bester (author)
Three-dimensional isocompositional profiles of buried SiGe/Si(001) islands
Journal article (2007) -
G Katsaros (author)
M Stoffel (author)
A Rastelli (author)
OG Schmidt (author)
K Kern (author)
J Tersoff (author)
Interplay between thermodynamics and kinetics in the capping of InAs/GaAs(001) quantum dots
Journal article (2006) -
G Costantini (author)
A Rastelli (author)
P Acosta-Diaz (author)
R Songmuang (author)
G Katsaros (author)
OG Schmidt (author)
K Kern (author)
Reading the footprints of strained islands
Journal article (2006) -
A Rastelli (author)
M Stoffel (author)
OG Schmidt (author)
G Katsaros (author)
J Tersoff (author)
U Denker (author)
T Merdzhanova (author)
GS Kar (author)
G Costantini (author)
K Kern (author)
H von Kanel (author)
Investigating the lateral motion of SiGe islands by selective chemical etching
Journal article (2006) -
G Katsaros (author)
A Rastelli (author)
K Kern (author)
M Stoffel (author)
G Isella (author)
H von Kanel (author)
AM Bittner (author)
J Tersoff (author)
U Denker (author)
OG Schmidt (author)
G Costantini (author)