Rob F. Mudde

257 records found

Deze vraagstukkenbundel is bedoeld als oefenmateriaal bij het bestuderen van de basiscolleges Fysische Transportverschijnselen, zoals die aan de TU Delft worden gegeven. De vraagstukken zijn afkomstig uit oude vraagstukkenbundels en uit recente tentamens. Wij hebben de formulerin ...

Mass, momentum and energy transport Phenomena

A consistent balances approach: Second edition

A treatment of the transport and transfer processes of heat, mass and momentum in terms of their analogy. The processes are described with the help of macro and micro balances which in many cases lead to differential equations. This way, the textbook also prepares for Computation ...
In this work, the rise characteristics of a single H2 bubble, in the ellipsoidal regime, in (i) water, (ii) single electrolyte (2 M, 4.5 M NaCl) solution and (iii) various concentrations of electrolyte mixture (up to 6.4 M of 1:5 weight fraction NaCl-NaClO3) ...
De transport- en overdrachtsprocessen van warmte, massa en impuls worden naar hun analogie behandeld. De processen worden beschreven met behulp van macro- en microbalansen die in veel gevallen leiden tot differentiaalvergelijkingen. Ook veel aspecten van stromingsleer komen op de ...

De lerende als rode draad

Weten wat de (werkende) student nodig heeft

Het permanent najagen van kennis en vaardigheden voor onze persoonlijke en professionele ontwikkeling zal ons steeds meer veranderen in levenslang lerenden. Maar wat houdt 'een leven lang ontwikkelen' precies in, en welke rol kunnen universiteiten daarin spelen?@en
Emulsion formation is a major concern when dealing with multiphasic fermentations. Flocculants can be used together with other demulsification techniques to improve oil recovery in multiphasic fermentations. In this paper, the impact of adding flocculants during a multiphasic fer ...

Electrolyte effects on recirculating dense bubbly flow

An experimental study using X-ray imaging

In this work, the effect of an electrolyte (up to 2 M of NaCl dissolved in water) on a homogeneous dense bubbly flow, in an airlift bubble column, is studied using nonintrusive techniques. X-ray and high-speed imaging are used to investigate the bubble size distribution, the loca ...
Cavitation is a complicated multiphase phenomenon, where the production of vapor cavities leads to an opaque flow. Exploring the internal structures of the cavitating flows is one of the most significant challenges in this field of study. While it is not possible to visualize the ...
Due to the presence of inter-particle cohesive force, cohesive particles reveal totally different fluidization behaviors as compared to the non-cohesive system. This paper studies the fluidization dynamics of Geldart B particles with varying thermal-induced cohesive forces. Multi ...
This study aimed to characterise the gas-liquid flow and mixing behaviour in a gas-mixed anaerobic digester by improving phase interaction modelling using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). A 2D axisymmetric model validated with experimental data was set up using an Eulerian-Eul ...
The increase of inter-particle cohesive force greatly changes the fluidization dynamics, finally leading to the partial or complete failure of fluidization. However, few studies concern such transition process. This paper investigates the fluidization dynamics of Geldart B partic ...
Multiphasic fermentations where an organic phase is spontaneously formed or when it is added for product removal are commonly used for production of valuable compounds. The turbulent conditions and the presence of surface-active compounds (SACs) during fermentation create a stabl ...
Euler–Lagrange computational fluid dynamics simulations offer great potential for the integration of transport dynamics and metabolic dynamics in fermentation systems. Since the seminal work of Lapin et al. [1,2], progress has been made, mainly in the analysis of CFD data and tra ...

Inter-compartment interaction in multi-impeller mixing

Part II. Experiments, sliding mesh and large Eddy simulations

Steady state multiple reference frame-RANS (MRF-RANS) simulations frequently show strong over-predictions of the mixing time in single-phase, multi-impeller mixing tanks, which is sometimes patched by ad hoc tuning of the turbulent Schmidt-number. In Part I of this work, we exper ...

Inter-compartment interaction in multi-impeller mixing

Part I. Experiments and multiple reference frame CFD

CFD simulations of mixing in single-phase multi-Rushton stirred tanks based on the RANS methodology frequently show an over-prediction of the mixing time. This hints at an under-prediction of the mass exchange between the compartments formed around the individual impellers. Some ...
The performance of fluidized bed reactors strongly depends on the bubble behavior, for which reason knowledge concerning the bubble properties is important for modeling and reactor optimization. X-ray measurements can be used to characterize bubbles within the cross-section of a ...
Cavitation is a complex multiphase phenomenon, where the production of vapor bubbles leads to opaqueness of the flow. While it is nearly impossible to visualize the interior of the cavitation region with visible light, we show that with X-ray computed tomography it is possible to ...
We assess the effect of substrate heterogeneity on the metabolic response of P. chrysogenum in industrial bioreactors via the coupling of a 9-pool metabolic model with Euler-Lagrange CFD simulations. In this work, we outline how this coupled hydrodynamic-metabolic modeling can be ...

Bioprocess scale-up/down as integrative enabling technology

From fluid mechanics to systems biology and beyond

Efficient optimization of microbial processes is a critical issue for achieving a number of sustainable development goals, considering the impact of microbial biotechnology in agrofood, environment, biopharmaceutical and chemical industries. Many of these applications require sca ...