W.F. van Valkenburg
22 records found
De lerende als rode draad
Weten wat de (werkende) student nodig heeft
Het permanent najagen van kennis en vaardigheden voor onze persoonlijke en professionele ontwikkeling zal ons steeds meer veranderen in levenslang lerenden. Maar wat houdt 'een leven lang ontwikkelen' precies in, en welke rol kunnen universiteiten daarin spelen?@en
Development of a maturity model for blended education
A delphi study
In order to embed blended learning environments in a strategic and sustainable manner, a multi-actor, multidimensional approach is necessary. This paper reports the results of a 3-round Delphi study involving 28 experts which focuses on the refinement and validation of a layered
Teaching Aerospace Structures and Materials to the World
Analysis of the edX MOOC Introduction to Aerospace Structures and Materials
Although aerospace traditionally has always had a multidisciplinary approach to engineering and design, the increasing complexity of aircraft and spacecraft and the rapid digitization within the aerospace industry has led to a large number of related engineering and scientific di
In 2012 many universities started to publish Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on Coursera and edX. According to many experts this would revolutionize education. Seven years later the hype of MOOCs is over and many are disappointed. According to Amara's Law we tend to overestim
In the MOOC world new concepts hatch every month, trying to find the Holy Grail of online learning. Last year edX adopted the new MIT concept of a MicroMasters credential: a series of graduate level courses offered by top universities to adv
In 2013 Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) started to offer Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on the EdX platform. One of the main principles in the MOOC development process was to publish all educational resources under an open license (Creative Co
Last year, when we presented the OLE at the 2015 EDEN Conference in Barcelona, we were still at an early stage of its development, collecting fundamental background to support it and feedback from online learning experts. Although we only had a collection of ideas translated into
In early 2014, the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) started an innovation program with the aim to respond even more effectively to recent developments in open and online education. Drawing on the fields of Distance Education research and the university’s vision of the “e
OpenCourseWare in the European Higher Education Context
How to make use of its full potential for virtual mobility
Final report of EU-funded project on OpenCourseWare in Europe. The focus of the project was the creation of preconditions for a strong European OCW framework. A stronger framework would also mean closer cooperation between European institutes, which could result in mutual use of
This article looks at massive open online courses (MOOCs) and the opportunities that they offer for higher education in the Netherlands. We look at what a MOOC actually is, the context of “open education”, and the discussion of the possibly disruptive impact of MOOCs on higher ed