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G Zwetsloot
Academic Work (6)
Book chapter (1)
Conference paper (1)
Journal article (3)
Report (1)
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6 records found
A value case methodology to enable a transition towards generative health management: as case study from the Netherlands
Journal article (2012) -
A van Scheppingen (author)
N.H.G. Baken (author)
G Zwetsloot (author)
E Bos (author)
F Berkers (author)
Regulatory risk controll through mandatory occupational safety and health (OSH) certification and testing regimes (CTRs)
Journal article (2011) -
G Zwetsloot (author)
Andrew Hale (author)
S Zwanikken (author)
Policy expectations and the use of market mechanisms for regulatory OSH certification and testing regimes
Journal article (2011) -
G Zwetsloot (author)
S Zwanikken (author)
Andrew Hale (author)
ICT en Onderwijsprogramma TU Delft - invloed van studenten
Book chapter (2002) -
W.J. Lockefeer (author)
W van 't Padje (author)
G Zwetsloot (author)
Willem van Valkenburg (author)
M Brugmans (author)
Safety and Change: managing safety during change
Conference paper (2002) -
G Zwetsloot (author)
S. M. Lemkowitz (author)
A.R. Hale (author)
Pathways to Sustainable Industrial Transformations: Cooptimising Competitiveness, Employmant and Environment. 5.2 Multiple Sustainable Land Use.
Report (2001) -
A Bakker (author)
R. Kemp (author)
? Harn Wei Kua (author)
J.N. Quist (author)
B ter Weel (author)
G Zwetsloot (author)