Ralf Takors
6 records found
Commercial-scale bioreactors create an unnatural environment for microbes from an evolutionary point of view. Mixing insufficiencies expose individual cells to fluctuating nutrient concentrations on a second-to-minute scale while transcriptional and translational capacities limit
Performing in spite of starvation
How Saccharomyces cerevisiae maintains robust growth when facing famine zones in industrial bioreactors
In fed-batch operated industrial bioreactors, glucose-limited feeding is commonly applied for optimal control of cell growth and product formation. Still, microbial cells such as yeasts and bacteria are frequently exposed to glucose starvation conditions in poorly mixed zones or
Carbon limitation is a common feeding strategy in bioprocesses to enable an efficient microbiological conversion of a substrate to a product. However, industrial settings inherently promote mixing insufficiencies, creating zones of famine conditions. Cells frequently traveling th
Predicting by-product gradients of baker’s yeast production at industrial scale
A practical simulation approach
Scaling up bioprocesses is one of the most crucial steps in the commercialization of bioproducts. While it is known that concentration and shear rate gradients occur at larger scales, it is often too risky, if feasible at all, to conduct validation experiments at such scales. Usi
Future manufacturing will focus on new, improved products as well as on new and enhanced production methods. Recent biotechnological and scientific advances, such as CRISPR/Cas and various omic technologies, pave the way to exciting novel biotechnological research, development, a
Bioprocess scale-up/down as integrative enabling technology
From fluid mechanics to systems biology and beyond
Efficient optimization of microbial processes is a critical issue for achieving a number of sustainable development goals, considering the impact of microbial biotechnology in agrofood, environment, biopharmaceutical and chemical industries. Many of these applications require sca