M.A. van den Broek
48 records found
Importing substantial amount of green hydrogen from countries like South Africa, which have abundant solar and wind potentials to replace fossil fuels, has attracted interest in developed regions. This study analyses South African strategies for improving and decarbonizing the po
Assessing the feasibility of CO2 removal strategies in achieving climate-neutral power systems
Insights from biomass, CO2 capture, and direct air capture in Europe
To achieve the European Union's goal of climate neutrality by 2050, negative emissions may be required to compensate for emissions exceeding allocated carbon budgets. Therefore, carbon removal technologies such as bioenergy with carbon capture (BECCS) and direct air capture (DAC)
The transition of the European iron and steel industry (ISI) towards low-carbon manufacturing is crucial for the European Union (EU)’s 2050 climate neutrality objective. One emerging solution is electrification by using hydrogen (H2) as iron ore reductant, which increa
This study evaluates the technoeconomic impacts of direct and indirect electrification on the EU's net-zero emissions target by 2050. By linking the JRC-EU-TIMES long-term energy system model with PLEXOS hourly resolution power system model, this research offers a detailed analys
We propose an index to quantify and analyse the impact of climatological variability on the energy system at different timescales. We define the climatological renewable energy deviation index (credi) as the cumulative anomaly of a renewable resource with respect to its climate o
This research aims to investigate the potential impact of national policies on the attainment of Europe's goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Specifically, it analyses the effects of policies on the power sector, by evaluating capacity expansion portfolio
To meet the European Union's 2050 climate neutrality target, future electricity generation is expected to largely rely on variable renewable energy (VRE). VRE supply, being dependant on weather, is susceptible to changing climate conditions. Based on spatiotemporally explicit cli
The decarbonisation of the iron and steel industry is expected to significantly increase its electricity consumption due to higher levels of electrification and the partial shift to hydrogen as iron reductant. With its batch processes, this industry offers large potential for the
Proper thermal management can improve the efficiency of hydrogen storage chains based on liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC). The energy and exergy efficiencies of 24 LOHC chains, which are differentiated by two hydrogen sources (SEL: hydrogen from electrolyzer and SINDU: ind
Effect of modelling choices in the unit commitment problem
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023)
In power system studies the unit commitment problem (UC) is solved to support market decisions and assess system adequacy. Simplifications are made to solve the UC faster, but they are made without considering the consequences on solution quality. In this study we thoroughly inve
Pitfalls of Power Systems Modelling Metrics
18th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 2022
In power system modelling the unit commitment problem is used to simulate the wholesale electricity market. A solution to the unit commitment problem is a least-cost schedule that contains information regarding the capacity factors of each generator, the total CO2 emissions, and
European electricity markets ensure the matching between supply and demand at all times. Due to their time-scale operations, the balancing markets are the last resources to achieve so and ensure the grid frequency. The increasing shares of non-dispatchable power capacities intens
In the EU28, the meat and dairy supply chains emitted 360 Mt CO2-eq or 80% of all agricultural CH4 and N2O emissions in 2016, which must be reduced to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Our research explores how far these emissions can be reduced by combining field
Can liberalised electricity markets support decarbonised portfolios in line with the Paris Agreement?
A case study of Central Western Europe
We model the evolution of the Central Western Europe power system until 2040 with an increasing carbon price and strong growth of variable renewable energy sources (vRES) for four electricity market designs: the current energy-only market, a reformed energy-only market, both also
Europe's capacity to explore the envisaged pathways that achieve its near- and long-term energy and climate objectives needs to be significantly enhanced. In this perspective, we discuss how this capacity is supported by energy and climate-economy models, and how international mo
The single-unit commitment problem (1UC) is the problem of finding a cost optimal schedule for a single generator given a time series of electricity prices subject to generation limits, minimum up- and downtime and ramping limits. In this paper we present two efficient dynamic pr
To mitigate climate change a renewable energy transition is needed. Existing power systems will need to be redesigned to balance variable renewable energy production with variable energy demand. We investigate the meteorological sensitivity of a highly-renewable European energy s
The marginal-cost pricing for a competitive wholesale district heating market
A case study in the Netherlands
District heating represents a viable way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the built environment. This paper aims to assess the extent to which the market revenues of multiple heat production technologies can cover their fixed costs in a competitive wholesale district heating
Considering the targets of the Paris agreement, rapid decarbonisation of the power system is needed. In order to study cost-optimal and reliable zero and negative carbon power systems, a power system model of Western Europe for 2050 is developed. Realistic future technology costs
In this study, we model seven scenarios for the European power system in 2050 based on 100% renewable energy sources, assuming different levels of future demand and technology availability, and compare them with a scenario which includes low-carbon non-renewable technologies. We