M. Junginger
16 records found
Assessing the feasibility of CO2 removal strategies in achieving climate-neutral power systems
Insights from biomass, CO2 capture, and direct air capture in Europe
To achieve the European Union's goal of climate neutrality by 2050, negative emissions may be required to compensate for emissions exceeding allocated carbon budgets. Therefore, carbon removal technologies such as bioenergy with carbon capture (BECCS) and direct air capture (DAC)
Can liberalised electricity markets support decarbonised portfolios in line with the Paris Agreement?
A case study of Central Western Europe
We model the evolution of the Central Western Europe power system until 2040 with an increasing carbon price and strong growth of variable renewable energy sources (vRES) for four electricity market designs: the current energy-only market, a reformed energy-only market, both also
In this study, we model seven scenarios for the European power system in 2050 based on 100% renewable energy sources, assuming different levels of future demand and technology availability, and compare them with a scenario which includes low-carbon non-renewable technologies. We
Biomass feedstock can be used for the production of biofuels or biobased chemicals to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Earlier studies about the techno-economic performance of biofuel or biobased chemic
Exploring the emergence of a biojet fuel supply chain in Brazil
An agent-based modeling approach
The aviation industry accounts for more than 2% of global CO
emissions. Biojet fuel is expecte
A Quantitative Evaluation of Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms in Europe
15th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 2018
With the growing penetration of zero-marginal-cost wind and solar photovoltaics leading to falling electricity wholesale prices in the energy-only market, several European countries have implemented capacity remuneration mechanisms (CRMs) in an attempt to ensure security of suppl
Exploring policy options to spur the expansion of ethanol production and consumption in Brazil
An agent-based modeling approach
The Brazilian government aims to increase the share of biofuels in the energy mix to around 18% by 2030, which implies an increase of ethanol production from currently 27 bln liters to over 50 bln liters per year. Biofuel policies play an important role in ethanol production, con
This paper investigates the optimization of biomass terminal equipment deployment. A mixed integer linear programming model is developed and applied to minimize the terminal's investment and operational costs related to dedicated and partially used or shared equipment between a t
Wood pellet imports are expected to increase in the European Union and Southeast Asia by 2030, considering pellets are the main feedstock used for co-firing in power plants throughout these regions. Due to the material's physical and biological properties, the equipment at an imp
The economic performance of biofuels supply chains depends on the interaction of technical characteristics as technological pathways and logistics, and social structures as actor behavior, their interactions and institutions. Traditional approaches focus on the technical problems
Biofuel production is not cost competitive and thus requires governmental intervention. The effect of the institutional framework on the development of the biofuel sector is not yet well understood. This paper aims to analyze how biofuel production and production capacity could h
Review of solid and liquid biofuel demand and supply in Northwest Europe towards 2030
A comparison of national and regional projections
Biomass is the largest source of renewable energy carrier in the European Union (EU) contributing to over 60% of renewable energy, with the majority of supply coming from domestic sources. However, an increasing significant amount of feedstock is imported, either due to domestic
Transitioning towards a sustainable energy system requires the large-scale introduction of novel energy demand and supply technologies. Such novel technologies are often expensive at the point of their market introduction but eventually become cheaper due to technological learnin
Large appliances are major power consumers in households of industrialized countries. Although their energy efficiency has been increasing substantially in past decades, still additional energy efficiency potentials exist. Energy policy that aims at realizing these potentials fac
High costs often prevent the market diffusion of novel and efficient energy technologies. Monitoring cost and price decline for these technologies is thus important in order to establish effective energy policy. Here, we present experience curves and cost-benefit analyses for con