Ernst Worrell

27 records found

To meet the European Union's 2050 climate neutrality target, future electricity generation is expected to largely rely on variable renewable energy (VRE). VRE supply, being dependant on weather, is susceptible to changing climate conditions. Based on spatiotemporally explicit cli ...
The decarbonisation of the iron and steel industry is expected to significantly increase its electricity consumption due to higher levels of electrification and the partial shift to hydrogen as iron reductant. With its batch processes, this industry offers large potential for the ...
In the EU28, the meat and dairy supply chains emitted 360 Mt CO2-eq or 80% of all agricultural CH4 and N2O emissions in 2016, which must be reduced to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Our research explores how far these emissions can be reduced by combining field ...
This study aimed to explore the constraining and facilitating factors impacting the emergence and consolidation of different types of alternative food networks (AFNs) in different countries. Drawing on the expertise of organizers of seventeen AFNs, we investigated the conditions ...
This paper investigates food waste dynamics in a retail alternative food network (AFN). We provide a first contribution to assess food waste in an AFN in terms of 1) food waste levels, 2) food waste causes, and 3) food waste management practices (i.e. food waste reduction and han ...
Consumption of goods and services is a complex phenomenon at the root of environmental problems, but it is still often framed in terms of individual behaviour, which can be related to a lack of wide cross-disciplinary explanations for consumption. To contribute to filling this ga ...

Meat, dairy, and more

Analysis of material, energy, and greenhouse gas flows of the meat and dairy supply chains in the EU28 for 2016

To decarbonize the European Union, protein consumption must transition to diets low in meat and dairy which will drastically change the material and energy flows in current meat and dairy supply chains. To understand the impacts on current flows, a baseline is required. Although ...
For reaching the 2 °C climate target, the robust growth of electricity generation from variable renewable energy sources (VRE) in the power sector is expected to continue. Accommodation of the power system to the variable, uncertain and locational-dependent outputs of VRE causes ...
This study assesses the techno-economic performance of production lines for obtaining 1,3-butadiene and ε-caprolactam from C6 sugars. Process models were developed to assess their technical performance and to derive inputs for economic analysis. The economic assessment was carrie ...
Calcium looping CO2 capture is a promising technology to reduce CO2 emissions from cement production. Coal has been seen as a logical choice of fuel to drive the calcium looping process as coal is already the primary fuel used to produce cement. This study a ...

Decarbonising meat

Exploring greenhouse gas emissions in the meat sector

Consumption of meat is an important source of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emission and deep decarbonisation of the whole meat production chain is required to be able to meet global climate change (CC) mitigation goals. Emissions happen in different stages of meat production rangi ...
Reaching the long term goals of climate policies requires the implementation of a portfolio of measures. This paper quantifies the potentials of energy efficiency technologies and CO2 capture and storage (CCS) for seven Dutch industry sectors between 2008 and 2040. Eco ...

Feeding fossil fuels to the soil

An analysis of energy embedded and technological learning in the fertilizer industry

In this paper, we assess energy demand due to fertilizer consumption in the period 1961-2001. Based on historical trends of gross energy requirements, we calculated that in 2001, global energy embedded in fertilizer consumption amounted to 3660 PJ, which represents about 1% of th ...

Benchmarking the energy efficiency of Dutch industry

An assessment of the expected effect on energy consumption and CO2 emissions

As part of its energy and climate policy the Dutch government has reached an agreement with the Dutch energy-intensive industry that is explicitly based on industry's relative energy efficiency performance. The energy efficiency of the Dutch industry is benchmarked against that o ...

Industrial energy efficiency in light of climate change negotiations

Comparing major developing countries and the U.S.

In light of the commitments accepted within the Framework Convention on Climate Change there is an increasing need for useful information on energy consumption and energy efficiency. Governments can use this information in designing policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ...
A method for identifying and characterizing technologies that can improve the energy efficiency in the long term is described and applied to the paper and board industry. Current papermaking processes require 3-9 GJ heat per tonne of paper, mainly for the removal of water that is ...
Techniques for the reduction of the specific energy consumption for iron and steel making are identified and characterized to assess the potential for future energy-efficiency improvement and research and development priorities. Worldwide average specific energy consumption for s ...
In the past, many studies on energy efficiency levels were not comparable due to differences in economic structure between countries. In the project 'International Comparisons of Energy Efficiency' efforts are undertaken to develop methods that do account for such differences. In ...
The objective of this paper is to obtain an insight into the potential for energy efficiency improvements in the Netherlands for the period 1990-2000. Using a database containing information on improvement potential and details of the costs of more than 400 energy efficient techn ...
Eight major industrial processes are responsible for over 50% of industrial energy consumption in most countries. The energy efficiency of these processes was determined in a number of countries, with appropriate corrections for structural differences between countries. It is sho ...