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40 records found


As higher education digitalises, institutions increasingly outsource the development and management of their digital infrastructure including server hardware and services such as email, shared storage, and video conferencing, to private companies. This outsourcing trend is a chan ...
Citizens are expected to play a significant role to the current energy transition in Europe, such as through prosumerism and collective initiatives for energy efficiency. While there are many platforms for domestic energy analytics and for engaging citizens and transition stakeho ...

Aggregator's business models in residential and service sectors

A review of operational and financial aspects

Flexibility coming from consumers in residential and service sectors has received significant attention to deal with uncertainty and variability of renewable energy sources. Since these consumers are too small individually to participate in the electricity markets, their asset ...

In order to limit the amount of greenhouse gas emission, transitioning to renewable energy sources (RES) is critical. However, integrating RES in the existing power system is not straightforward since RES possess variable and uncertain characteristics. Due to these characteristic ...

Aggregator's business models

Challenges faced by different roles

Aggregators are considered essential to obtain flexibility from small residential and service sector consumers. They can implement business models by trading flexibility from their consumers' assets in various electricity markets. The aim of this paper is to identify challenge ...

Aggregator-mediated demand response

Minimizing imbalances caused by uncertainty of solar generation

The high level of uncertainty of renewable energy sources generation creates differences between electricity supply and demand, endangering the reliable operation of the power system. Demand response has gained significant attention as a means to cope with uncertainty of renew ...

Consumer batteries, when bundled by an aggregator, can provide flexibility by being used for consumers self-consumption and by offering Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR). Combining these two can also generate additional revenues for consumers since the aggregator pays an all ...

The increase in variable renewable energy sources requires more flexibility in the power system. This could be provided by small distributed energy sources located at end-users. Aggregators can potentially exploit this flexibility by providing Primary Control Reserve (PCR) ser ...

Aggregators are considered essential to extend demand response (DR) to small residential and service sector consumers. Both sectors currently have untapped load flexibility, which is considered key to support renewable resource integration. Aggregators can offer this flexibili ...

Complex Systems Engineering

Designing in sociotechnical systems for the energy transition

The EU has set ambitious targets for an energy transition. While research often focuses on technology, institutions or actors, a transition requires complex coordination and comprehensive analysis and design. We propose a framework accounting for technology, institutions and acto ...


Water storage and diversion capacity of reservoirs in the Nile Basin are benefited for various purposes including agricultural irrigation and hydro-energy production. Filling and operation of the recently constructed Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) have been subject to hea ...
Energy Communities are initiatives ran by members of the same or different communities with the aim of producing, distributing and consuming cleaner energy. The potential of these initiatives, as identified from this clean energy production, to play a key role in the energy tran ...
Although there is a common understanding that the use of variable renewable energy sources (VRES) is needed in our collective attempt to decarbonise society, the type of technology that we should deploy, and where is not so clear. Stakeholders from real-world projects use the out ...
The Paris agreement has set European countries on a path towards decarbonization of the energy market. Due to the high dependence of natural gas in the Netherlands, various challenges will be faced when facing out fossil fuels. The major drawback of RES is that they are non-dispa ...

Sustainability Value Creation Through Circular Business Model Experimentation

Improving Industrial Symbiosis Networks through a Case Study in the Netherlands

The security and reliability of the European power system network that is used to transmit electricity from producers to consumers is under increasing pressure. The penetration of renewable energy resources that have a variable and unpredictable energy output and the rising cost ...
Increased variable renewable energy sources penetration in The Netherlands require more flexibility that could be provided by distributed energy resources located at small end-users combined with demand response. Aggregators could act as intermediary entities to exploit the flexi ...
With the growing population and urbanization of the living environment, challenges have come up for cities to bring down their emissions and become more smart. Smart city development can respond to these challenges.