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Economic analysis of energy communities

Investment options and cost allocation

Energy communities play an important role in the energy transition to future clean and sustainable energy. The economic feasibility of an energy community is largely affected by its investment options: either a third party or households themselves can invest in distributed energy ...
With the growing concerns over energy depletion and environmental protection all over the world, more and more attention is being paid to energy transition towards renewable energy sources (RESs), energy efficiency improvement, and CO$_2$ emission reduction. Integrated community ...
Integrated community energy systems (ICESs) emerged in the reform of local energy systems during the energy transition. Cost allocation within an ICES is one of the key issues determining the success of ICESs. The costs should be allocated fairly among the members of a local ener ...
Integrated community energy systems (ICESs) are a modern development of local energy systems by integrating distributed energy resources and local communities. Cost allocation is one of the key issues affecting the success of ICESs. Costs should be allocated to those who cause th ...
In this paper, a segmented energy tariff design is proposed to incentivize consumers to flatten load demand. This energy tariff focuses on consumption levels instead of consumption periods. Energy storage is an effective strategy to help to maintain the imported energy from grid ...