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B.J. Pearce

29 records found

Energy Citizenship

Envisioning Citizens' Participation in the Energy System

- This book is open access, which means that you have free and unlimited access
- Explores ideas around energy citizenship and how citizen participation can be harnessed in the energy transition
- Provides an overview of energy citizenship as a contested concept
- Dis ...

Collective action lessons for the energy transition

learning from social movements of the past

To accelerate the energy transition and achieve the needed large-scale transformation to address climate change, different barriers including lock-ins and path dependencies, incumbent power structures and changing individual and collective norms, values, and behaviors around ener ...
This piece elaborates on a ‘new way of thinking’ (Einstein, 1946) that would contribute to overcoming the challenge of climate change and its impacts. This ‘new way’ will have us go beyond using facts and figures alone to persuade and cajole. It will have us stretching our moral ...

Inclusive stakeholder engagement for equitable knowledge co-production

Insights from the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme in climate change research

We develop and apply the concept of equitable knowledge co-production (EKC) by proposing a reflexive framework to support inclusive stakeholder engagement with diverse knowledge-holders. This framework is built on the authors’ experiences of leading three ongoing Horizon 2020 pro ...

Creating spaces and cultivating mindset for transdisciplinary learning and experimentation

Pathways beyond the International Transdisicplinarity Conference 2021

This Special Focus highlights the potential of transdisciplinary research and learning to confront the complexity of the challenges facing society today. By serving as a bridge between science, practice and society, transdisciplinarity can be a means to help foster collaboration ...

ENCLUDE – Summary of Collective Actions

WP6 – ENCLUDE Academy for Energy Citizen Leadership

In line with EU’s 2050 decarbonization agenda, the H2020 Energy Citizens for Inclusive Decarbon-ization (ENCLUDE) project aims to help the EU fulfil its promise of a just and inclusive decarboni-zation, adopting the principles of sharing and co-creating new knowledge and practice ...
Real-world laboratories (RWL) aim to support transformations for sustainable urban development by producing outputs with practical and scientific relevance. To achieve these aims, the local community of which the RWL is a part should be in close collaboration from the start of a ...
Citizens are expected to play a significant role to the current energy transition in Europe, such as through prosumerism and collective initiatives for energy efficiency. While there are many platforms for domestic energy analytics and for engaging citizens and transition stakeho ...
Inter- and transdisciplinary research and education, as carried out by scholars trained in the West, is rooted in assumptions about the legitimacy of academic freedom, autonomy, and governance structures. What happens, however, when this type of research is undertaken in a new cu ...
While the importance of transdisciplinary (Td) processes as a means to address societal problems is well-established, guidance for the intentional design of stakeholder interactions to meet specific goals, under different conditions and contexts, remains less explored. We propose ...

Energy citizenship for inclusive decarbonization

A transdisciplinary framework for creating transformation knowledge

Achieving the European Union’s vision of climate neutrality by 2050 dictates the need to transform the role that citizens can play in decarbonizing the energy system. Yet, “which citizens to involve in this process,” “when to involve them,” and “how to do so fairly and effectivel ...
In this paper, we develop and apply the concept of ‘insight discovery’ as a key competence for transdisciplinary research and learning. To address complex societal and environmental problems facing the world today, a particular expertise that can identify new connections between ...
Wissen allein reicht nicht für eine wirkungsvolle Politik. Vielmehr braucht es Vertrauen, Partizipation und Transdisziplinarität, damit Wissenschaft relevant bleibt und Erkenntnisse in die Praxis umgesetzt werden. Dafür muss sich die Forschungswelt verändern.@en

Creating spaces and cultivating mindsets for learning and experimentation

International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2021

In this communication, we present the background and core elements of the 2021 edition of the International Transdisciplinarity Conference. Beginning with a brief history of how the event was initiated and the role played by saguf in supporting its development, we then detail the ...
The paper introduces a heuristic framework for conducting joint problem framing (JPF) processes in transdisciplinary research (TD). JPF is an essential element in confronting real-world problems, especially in the realm of sustainability (Hirsch Hadorn et al. in Ecol Econ 60(1):1 ...
In the new Bachelor-level course Umweltproblemlösen (Tackling environmental problems), a part of ETH Zurich’s Environmental Sciences Bachelor’s programme, we teach students to zoom in on elements of practice (design thinking) and to zoom out on the whole system (systems thinking) ...