34 records found


Real-world laboratories (RWL) aim to support transformations for sustainable urban development by producing outputs with practical and scientific relevance. To achieve these aims, the local community of which the RWL is a part should be in close collaboration from the start of a ...

ENCLUDE Academy – Action-based Online Modules

WP6 – ENCLUDE Academy for Energy Citizen Leadership

Collective action lessons for the energy transition

Learning from social movements of the past

ENCLUDE – Summary of Collective Actions

WP6 – ENCLUDE Academy for Energy Citizen Leadership

In line with EU’s 2050 decarbonization agenda, the H2020 Energy Citizens for Inclusive Decarbon-ization (ENCLUDE) project aims to help the EU fulfil its promise of a just and inclusive decarboni-zation, adopting the principles of sharing and co-creating new knowledge and practice ...
Inter- and transdisciplinary research and education, as carried out by scholars trained in the West, is rooted in assumptions about the legitimacy of academic freedom, autonomy, and governance structures. What happens, however, when this type of research is undertaken in a new cu ...
In this paper, we develop and apply the concept of ‘insight discovery’ as a key competence for transdisciplinary research and learning. To address complex societal and environmental problems facing the world today, a particular expertise that can identify new connections between ...
Citizens are expected to play a significant role to the current energy transition in Europe, such as through prosumerism and collective initiatives for energy efficiency. While there are many platforms for domestic energy analytics and for engaging citizens and transition stakeho ...

Creating spaces and cultivating mindsets for learning and experimentation

International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2021

In this communication, we present the background and core elements of the 2021 edition of the International Transdisciplinarity Conference. Beginning with a brief history of how the event was initiated and the role played by saguf in supporting its development, we then detail the ...
Wissen allein reicht nicht für eine wirkungsvolle Politik. Vielmehr braucht es Vertrauen, Partizipation und Transdisziplinarität, damit Wissenschaft relevant bleibt und Erkenntnisse in die Praxis umgesetzt werden. Dafür muss sich die Forschungswelt verändern.@en
The paper introduces a heuristic framework for conducting joint problem framing (JPF) processes in transdisciplinary research (TD). JPF is an essential element in confronting real-world problems, especially in the realm of sustainability (Hirsch Hadorn et al. in Ecol Econ 60(1):1 ...
In this chapter, the author demonstrates how engaging with “productive failure” can be used to develop students’ capacity for complex problem-solving in the area of sustainable development. She demonstrates how this approach helps to encourage “productive failure” in students and ...
In the new Bachelor-level course Umweltproblemlösen (Tackling environmental problems), a part of ETH Zurich’s Environmental Sciences Bachelor’s programme, we teach students to zoom in on elements of practice (design thinking) and to zoom out on the whole system (systems thinking) ...
This chapter discusses how complex, real-world topics related to sustainable development are tackled through a curriculum that fosters transdisciplinary skills and thinking for students at an environmental sciences department at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Swit ...
Phosphorus is a resource that is utilized with efficiency in most parts of the world. Farmers fertilize with increasing precision; wastewater treatment plants strip phosphorus from sewage; and industries make use of phosphorus byproducts. Why, then, do incidents of eutrophication ...
The anthropogenic use of phosphorus has emerged as a one of the major drivers of global environmental change. The finite supply of the nutrient, geographical concentration of the remaining supply, and continuing occurrences of eutrophication and harmful algal blooms (caused, in p ...
The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich) is one of the world's leading universities in the fields of technology and natural science and the largest technical university in Switzerland. More than 18,500 students from over 110 countries are studying at ETH Z ...
The salinity and cation composition of water and soil were documented in a large (98 km(2)) wastewater-irrigated area (WIA) downstream of Hyderabad, India. The wastewater, which flows in a river that passes through the city, had a high to very high salinity hazard (EC = 1.1-3.0 d ...
As a consequence of increasing urbanization and shortage of good quality water, wastewater irrigation is a growing phenomenon in many arid and semi-arid countries. A common characteristic of wastewater is high salinity, with cities typically adding 200 - 500 mg l-1 of total disso ...
There are many uncertainties regarding the future level of natural gas consumption in China. In order to obtain a clear idea of what factors drive fuel consumption choices, we focus on three regions of China: Beijing, Guangdong, and Shanghai. Using an economic optimization model ...