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L.J. de Vries

166 records found

Electric vehicle (EV) users who aim to become flexibility providers face a tradeoff between staying in control of charging and minimizing their electricity costs. The common practice is to charge immediately after plugging in and use more electricity than necessary. Changing this ...
Future power systems, in which generation will come almost entirely from variable Renewable Energy Sources (vRES), will be characterized by weather-driven supply and flexible demand. In a simulation of the future Dutch power system, we analyze whether there are sufficient incenti ...
Electrification of energy end-uses brings an increasing load on electric distribution grids with load peaks that can cause network congestion. However, many new end-uses like electric vehicles, heat pumps, and electrified industrial processes have some flexibility to move their p ...
The design of electricity markets may be facilitated by simulating actors’ behaviors. Recent studies model human decision-makers within markets as agents which learn strategies that maximize expected profits. This work investigates the problem of ‘non-stationarity’ in the context ...
Aligning prosumers' electricity consumption to the availability of self-generated electricity decreases CO2 emissions and costs. Nudges are proposed as one behavioral intervention to orchestrate such changes. At the same time, fragmented findings in the literature make ...
Households equipped with flexible technologies, such as electric vehicles, can support the energy transition by shifting electricity consumption to times of high renewable supply and by preventing consumption peaks that cannot be covered by existing grid and generation infrastruc ...
Prosumers with photovoltaic systems can reduce their electricity expenses by increasing their consumption of self-generated electricity. This makes them more resilient to price shocks, like the 2022 European energy crisis. We evaluate how prosumers adapt their consumption behavio ...

Congestion management in electricity distribution networks

Smart tariffs, local markets and direct control

Increasing peaks from high-power loads such as EVs and heat pumps lead to congestion of electric distribution grids. The inherent flexibility of these loads could be used to resolve congestion events. Possible options for this are smart network tariffs, market-based approaches, a ...

African power pools and regional electricity market design

Taking stock of regional integration in energy sectors

While the traditional perspective on regional power pools is that of regional electricity markets, regional power pools in Africa are development tools with unrepresentative and under-researched dynamics in their evolution and market design. Five African power pools are under dev ...
Developing innovative electricity market designs to facilitate a sustainable transition to (near) 100% renewable power systems while meeting societal needs is a crucial and actual topic of research. This article presents preliminary key findings from the H2020 European project Tr ...
Existing indicators of electricity system adequacy need to be supplemented with economic performance indicators. As power systems are decarbonized, energy storage technologies are being developed and demand is becoming more flexible. Reliability standards need to reflect the pric ...
Household electricity use has an increasing impact on the overall energy system. Numerous proposals have been made to support households to consume electricity in a system-friendlier manner. By breaking these proposals down into functions and how they are performed, this paper id ...
The steady uptake of PV cells and high-power flexible loads such as electric vehicles (EVs) and heat pumps can lead to localized network congestion, if their power consumption or feed-in is not controlled well. One potential way that has been proposed to manage this congestion, a ...
The adoption of distributed energy resources such as PV cells, electric vehicles and batteries in electric grids is increasing steadily. This brings new challenges for distribution networks. The current network tariffs were not designed for these types of usage and, in many cases ...

Electricity Markets for DC Distribution Systems

Locational Pricing Trumps Wholesale Pricing

DC distribution systems are a promising alternative to existing AC distribution systems. They connect customers to local energy sources without conversion, thus reducing power losses. However, the unique features of DC impose strict requirements for system operation compared to A ...

Making the most of short-term flexibility in the balancing market

Opportunities and challenges of voluntary bids in the new balancing market design

Electricity balancing is one of the main demanders of short-term flexibility. To improve its integration, the recent regulation of the European Union introduces a common standalone balancing energy market. It allows actors that have not participated or not been awarded in the pre ...
Residential distribution networks in Europe are undergoing rapid changes. As high-power flexible loads, such as electric vehicle (EV) chargers, become more prevalent, the risk of network congestion increases. This is exacerbated by tariff structures which do not give incentives t ...
We simulate climate and energy policy for the EU using a flexible and modular agent-based modelling approach, we named Energy Modelling Laboratory (EMLab). The agent-based model focuses on investment in power generation and studies long run effects of various interacting European ...