Goran Strbac

67 records found


The present UK distribution network planning standard, Engineering Recommendation P.2/6 (P2/6), defines the acceptable durations of supply outages following first and second circuit outage conditions as function of group demand. In addition, P2/6 specifies a capacity value for di ...
This paper presents the assessment of stakeholder impacts of European electricity transmission network investments for a set of future system development scenarios. A techno-economic analysis is adopted, which quantifies the economic impacts on different stakeholders including el ...

Design and operation of power systems with large amounts of wind power

Final summary report, IEA WIND Task 25, Phase three 2012–2014

This report summarises recent findings on wind integration from the 15 countries participating in the International Energy Agency (IEA) Wind collaboration research Task 25 from 2012–2014. Both real experience and studies are reported. The national case studies address several imp ...
Distribution networks have been traditionally conceived for transporting electricity downstream into low voltage demand nodes. However, the connection of significant amounts of distributed generation may reverse this condition, resulting in distribution nodes exporting power to o ...

Dynamic load controllers for thermostatically controlled loads should allow for accurate control of power consumption and should not disrupt the quality of service. This paper proposes an intuitive definition of nondisruptiveness for systems with second-order thermal models, b ...

The power transfer capability of existing transmission networks can be enhanced through the use of automated system protection schemes (SPS), which rapidly respond to disturbances on the network to keep the system's variables within operational bounds. However, reliance on such s ...

Collectively, thermostatically controlled loads (TCLs) offer significant potential for short-term demand response. This intrinsic flexibility can be used to provide various ancillary services or to carry out energy arbitrage. This study introduces an aggregate description of t ...

Modern active distribution networks make use of intelligent switching actions to restore supply to end users after faults. This complicates the reliability analysis of such networks, as the number of possible switching actions grows exponentially with network size. This paper ...

The large-scale integration of intermittent energy sources, the introduction of shiftable load elements and the growing interconnection that characterizes electricity systems worldwide have led to a significant increase of operational uncertainty. The construction of suitable ...

Thermostatically controlled loads (TCLs) such as refrigerators and air conditioners are natural candidates for short term demand response. In this paper we quantify the value associated with the TCLs' ability to provide system security and transmission constraint management se ...

Future power systems will have to integrate large amounts of wind and solar generation to drastically reduce CO2 emissions. Achieving this goal comes at the cost of a reduced level of the system inertia and an increased need for fast response services. Previous rese ...

System Protection Schemes (SPS) have the potential to greatly enhance the utilization of the network, often by automatically disconnecting generators in response to contingency events. However, malfunctions of such systems may expose the system to harmful blackouts. The operat ...

Thermal loads such as refrigerators and electric space heaters use temperature hysteresis controllers that are insensitive to small temperature fluctuations. This results in an ability to modulate their power consumption, thus providing cost-effective frequency support, balanc ...

Thermostatically controlled loads (TCLs), such as refrigerators, air-conditioners and space heaters, offer significant potential for short-term modulation of their aggregate power consumption. This ability can be used in principle to provide frequency response services, but co ...

Generating capacity adequacy studies play a significant role in long term capacity planning. Risks of capacity deficits are usually reported in the form of one or more average quantities, which cannot fully convey the nature of the risks being faced. Chronological Monte Carlo ...

Power systems are facing complex challenges in order to achieve environmental targets, such as a strong abatement of CO2 emissions. Hence, an increasing share of renewable energy sources (RES) will change the generation portfolio. This is likely to push network oper ...

An increasing share of nuclear and renewable generation is reducing the ability of the power system to withstand the sudden loss of a generating unit. Hence, there is a need for additional response and reserve services. Previous research has shown that frequency-responsive the ...