R.J. Hennig

8 records found

Electrification of energy end-uses brings an increasing load on electric distribution grids with load peaks that can cause network congestion. However, many new end-uses like electric vehicles, heat pumps, and electrified industrial processes have some flexibility to move their p ...
Two concurrent developments lead to challenges for electric distribution networks: On the demand side, there is an increase in the electrification of heating, transportation, and industrial processes, and on the supply side, there is significant growth in the capacity of intermit ...

Congestion management in electricity distribution networks

Smart tariffs, local markets and direct control

Increasing peaks from high-power loads such as EVs and heat pumps lead to congestion of electric distribution grids. The inherent flexibility of these loads could be used to resolve congestion events. Possible options for this are smart network tariffs, market-based approaches, a ...
The steady uptake of PV cells and high-power flexible loads such as electric vehicles (EVs) and heat pumps can lead to localized network congestion, if their power consumption or feed-in is not controlled well. One potential way that has been proposed to manage this congestion, a ...
The adoption of distributed energy resources such as PV cells, electric vehicles and batteries in electric grids is increasing steadily. This brings new challenges for distribution networks. The current network tariffs were not designed for these types of usage and, in many cases ...
A higher share of renewables and electric vehicles increase the risk of congestion in electricity distribution systems. New distribution tariff designs have been proposed to prevent congestion. However, most modeling of tariff performance assumes deterministic price information. ...
Residential distribution networks in Europe are undergoing rapid changes. As high-power flexible loads, such as electric vehicle (EV) chargers, become more prevalent, the risk of network congestion increases. This is exacerbated by tariff structures which do not give incentives t ...