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D.B.T. Broerse

28 records found

Earthquakes involve mass redistribution within the solid Earth and the ocean, and as a result, perturb the Earth's gravitational field. For most of the shallow (<60 km) earthquakes with Mw > 8.0, the GRACE satellite gravity measurements suggest considerable volum ...
Nearby faults interact with each other through the exchange of stress. However, the extent of fault interaction is poorly understood. In particular, interactions may lead to slow-slip activity, resulting in episodes of transient surface motion. Our study concentrates on Northwest ...
We aim to better understand the overriding plate deformation during the megathrust earthquake cycle. We estimate the spatial patterns of interseismic GNSS velocities in South America, Southeast Asia and northern Japan and the associated uncertainties due to variations in network ...
Before geodetically derived strain and rotation rates can be robustly compared to geological or seismological observations, we need reliable strain rate uncertainties. Various methods exist to compute strain rates from GNSS-derived interseismic velocities, but a realistic represe ...
The Pannonian basin is an extensional back-arc basin that has undergone neotectonic inversion and is currently shortening. The understanding and quantification of present-day deformation processes during this inversion are still incomplete. To this end, we investigate the active ...

A Tsunami Generated by a Strike-Slip Event

Constraints From GPS and SAR Data on the 2018 Palu Earthquake

A devastating tsunami struck Palu Bay in the wake of the 28 September 2018 Mw = 7.5 Palu earthquake (Sulawesi, Indonesia). With a predominantly strike-slip mechanism, the question remains whether this unexpected tsunami was generated by the earthquake itself, or rather ...
In this study, we examine the effect of transient mantle creep on the prediction of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) signals. Specifically, we compare predictions of relative sea level (RSL) change from GIA from a set of Earth models in which transient creep parameters are vari ...
Large-scale strike-slip faults are associated with significant strain partitioning in releasing/restraining bends and often display map-view curvatures ending in horse-tail geometries. Such faults are commonly associated with indentation tectonics, where shortening in front of in ...

Tectonic Context of the August 2021 South Sandwich Islands Earthquake Sequence

Plate Boundary Geometry and Kinematics at Active STEPs

Most of the seismic moment release of the complex earthquake sequence beneath the South Sandwich Islands occurred on the central part of the SS megathrust. Significant aftershock activity indicates that the central and southern megathrust was subsequently activated, i.e., where y ...

Separating Long-Term and Short-Term Mass Changes of Antarctic Ice Drainage Basins

A Coupled State Space Analysis of Satellite Observations and Model Products

Satellite gravimetry and altimetry measurements record gravity and elevation changes, respectively, which are useful for determining mass and volume change of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Common methods employ products from regional climate modeling and firn modeling to aid interpret ...

Mapping and classifying large deformation from digital imagery

Application to analogue models of lithosphere deformation

Particle image velocimetry (PIV), a method based on image cross-correlation, is widely used for obtaining velocity fields from time-series of images of deforming objects. Rather than instantaneous velocities, we are interested in reconstructing cumulative deformation, and use PIV ...
The GRACE and GRACE Follow-On era is a rare opportunity from which we can study the Earth’s response to great earthquakes across diverse tectonic settings at time scales from days to decades. Earthquakes cause abrupt gravity field changes and triggered postseismic adjustment expe ...
Stress-dependent nonlinear upper mantle rheology has a firm base in rock mechanical tests, where this nonlinearity results from dislocation creep of minerals. In the last few decades there has been some attention to nonlinear, power-law, materials for application in scaled analog ...
In regions undergoing glacial isostatic adjustment present-day horizontal surface motion is observed to point mostly, but not always, away from the former ice load. To interpret these observations, we investigate the direction of horizontal velocities using glacial isostatic adju ...
One of the primary observational data sets of sea level is represented by the tide gauge record. We propose a new method to estimate variability on decadal time scales from tide gauge data by using a state space formulation, which couples the direct observations to a predefined s ...
The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission (launched 2002) and the Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) mission (March 2009 to November 2013) collected spaceborne gravity data for the preseismic and postseismic periods of the 2011 Toho ...
The 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake with 9.0 Mw led to an enormous mass redistribution originated from large deformation due to faulting and had a massive impact on the coastal area of eastern Japan. While the satellite gravity mission GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) c ...