Matthew Herman

4 records found


Greater landward velocities were recorded after 6 megathrust earthquakes in subduction zone regions adjacent to the ruptured portion. Previous explanations invoked either increased slip deficit accumulation or plate bending during postseismic relaxation, with different implica ...
Plate boundary deformation zones represent a challenge in terms of understanding their underlying geodynamic drivers. Active deformation is well constrained by GNSS observations in the SW Balkans, Greece and W Turkey, and is characterized by variable extension and strike slip ...

Tectonic Context of the August 2021 South Sandwich Islands Earthquake Sequence

Plate Boundary Geometry and Kinematics at Active STEPs

Most of the seismic moment release of the complex earthquake sequence beneath the South Sandwich Islands occurred on the central part of the SS megathrust. Significant aftershock activity indicates that the central and southern megathrust was subsequently activated, i.e., where y ...
The Gibraltar Arc (GA; Western Mediterranean) is located in between the slowly converging African and Eurasian continents and runs from the Rif in northern Morocco to the Betics in southern Spain. Geodetic velocities in this wide plate boundary region are different from the motio ...