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M. Molaei

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Samenwerking in beheer en onderhoud

De rol van het mkb als partner

Ondanks het grote aantal repetitieve, kleine activiteiten dat wordt uitgevoerd voor publieke opdrachtgevers, ontbreekt het zowel in de praktijk als in de wetenschappelijke literatuur aan inzicht in de succesfactoren van dit type opgaven. Dit beperkt de mogelijkheden tot het doorv ...
Although a considerable amount of literature has addressed the public procurement in the construction industry, still little is known about procurement in small and repetitive activities. In practice, however, public clients are often involved in repetitive tasks such as maintena ...
This study investigates the factors affecting the integration of sustainability into the project management of infrastructure projects, specifically highway projects during early phases. The research was drawn upon previous studies in order to develop a sustainability framework f ...

In Pursuit of Success

Evaluating the Management of Engineering Projects, Cross-Sectoral Analysis of Project Management Efforts

Successful delivery of projects is the ultimate goal of many organisations. What is observed in practice, however, is that projects do not usually follow what is recommended in literature. Moreover, the dynamic nature of projects calls for continuous adjustments regarding the req ...
The main aim of this study is to gain insights into project management professionals’ perception of how project success can be achieved. The Q-methodology was followed in this research. Based on an extensive literature review and validation through expert judgment, a framework co ...

Advancing The Research On Project Performance

Using Necessary Condition Analysis

This article is aimed at improving the understanding of what conditions are necessary in the front end development of projects in order to achieve high levels of project performance. This research advances current literature in project management by investigating a logic for find ...