M.H. Hermans

41 records found

Een gepaste aanpak van grand challenges?

Sturing bij integrale gebiedstransformaties betekent omgaan met complexiteit en onzekerheid

In dit artikel trekken wij lessen uit de opzet en contractuele en relationele sturing van een integrale gebiedstransformatie. We onderzochten of en hoe er bij de aanpak van een dergelijke grote maatschappelijke uitdaging (‘grand challenge’) in de gebouwde omgeving rekening gehoud ...

Samenwerking in beheer en onderhoud

De rol van het mkb als partner

Ondanks het grote aantal repetitieve, kleine activiteiten dat wordt uitgevoerd voor publieke opdrachtgevers, ontbreekt het zowel in de praktijk als in de wetenschappelijke literatuur aan inzicht in de succesfactoren van dit type opgaven. Dit beperkt de mogelijkheden tot het doorv ...

Definitely Not a Walk in the Park

Coping with Competing Values in Complex Project Networks

Complex project networks confront project actors, with value pluralism originating from a plethora of competing organizational and institutional systems related to the project environment. Using a single urban redevelopment case study, we present a dynamic understanding of the em ...
Although a considerable amount of literature has addressed the public procurement in the construction industry, still little is known about procurement in small and repetitive activities. In practice, however, public clients are often involved in repetitive tasks such as maintena ...

The public construction client of the future

Network-based collaborator in a traditional public administrative system

In the construction industry, public and semi-public clients increasingly depend on private parties to achieve project outcomes by adopting network type of governance approaches. However, social-political responsibilities remain at the public side. Hence, the general challenge fo ...

Practices of isolation

The shaping of project autonomy in innovation projects

A project's autonomy, the degree to which a project can evolve without constant interference from the parent organization, is a key feature of innovation projects. The literature treats autonomy as a passive phenomenon and underestimates how projects as temporary organizations in ...
Today’s societal challenges increasingly ask for collaborations of public, private and societal parties to achieve public goals though public service delivery projects. Complex hybrid networks of multiple internal and external actors develop in which public organisations must cop ...
One way of achieving public value is by policy-delivery through exchanges of product, services and financing between individuals, companies, social institutions, and government. This way complex networks of multiple internal and external actors develop in which public organizatio ...
De bouwsector is een projectensector: van woningbouw tot gebiedsontwikkeling, we organiseren onze activiteiten in projecten. Die projectstructuur blijkt – zowel in de praktijk als volgens de theorie – het structureel leren niet eenvoudig te maken. Voor vernieuwing in de bouwsecto ...

Implementing a new procurement strategy

The case of social housing associations

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to address the barriers that Dutch housing associations encounter in implementing new procurement strategies. Design/methodology/approach: Several aspects of purchasing, portfolio management, project delivery and supply management are discuss ...
Today’s societal challenges increasingly ask for collaborations of public, private and societal parties to achieve public goals though public service delivery projects. In these PPPs project managers have to align the interests of the permanent parent organization with the intere ...
Recently in the Netherlands collaboration emerged as the proposed best way of working together. Clients and contractors are promoting collaboration, and they also prescribe collaboration in their future visions on the construction sector. We challenge this automatism by which col ...
Municipalities account for a considerable share in the total production of construction work in the Netherlands. Through their commissioning role, public entities can act as a ‘launching customer’ for innovation. New procurement schemes have been and are being installed to improv ...

Professioneel Opdrachtgeverschap

Een handreiking voor corporaties en andere (semi-)publieke opdrachtgevers

Voor u ligt een handreiking om de professionaliteit van de opdrachtgevende rol in uw organisatie te bepalen en de gewenste ontwikkelingen hierin te bespreken. De handreiking is gebaseerd op het instrument ‘Maturity Model Professioneel Publiek Opdrachtgeven’ van de leerstoel Publi ...
In today’s construction industry we witness an increase in public private collaboration in the delivery of public goods. By transferring operational responsibility to private contractors, public construction clients have fewer possibilities to directly influence and steer the out ...
Successfully sharing knowledge through interactions between projects and the organization is, especially in a situation of changing work processes, an important capability for organizations to learn. The aim of this study is to gain insights into the process of project-based lear ...
In today’s construction industry we witness an increase in public private collaboration in the delivery of public goods. New public private structures affect the traditional notion of accountability, bringing along a strong emphasis on performance and outcome. By transferring ope ...