156 records found

Learning curves depict how a model’s expected performance changes with varying training set sizes, unlike training curves, showing a gradient-based model’s performance with respect to training epochs. Extrapolating learning curves can be useful for determining the performance gai ...
Many methods for Model-based Reinforcement learning (MBRL) in Markov decision processes (MDPs) provide guarantees for both the accuracy of the model they can deliver and the learning efficiency. At the same time, state abstraction techniques allow for a reduction of the size of a ...
Estimating uncertainty of machine learning models is essential to assess the quality of the predictions that these models provide. However, there are several factors that influence the quality of uncertainty estimates, one of which is the amount of model misspecification. Model m ...

Social Processes

Self-supervised Meta-learning Over Conversational Groups for Forecasting Nonverbal Social Cues

Free-standing social conversations constitute a yet underexplored setting for human behavior forecasting. While the task of predicting pedestrian trajectories has received much recent attention, an intrinsic difference between these settings is how groups form and disband. Eviden ...

LCDB 1.0

An Extensive Learning Curves Database for Classification Tasks

The use of learning curves for decision making in supervised machine learning is standard practice, yet understanding of their behavior is rather limited. To facilitate a deepening of our knowledge, we introduce the Learning Curve Database (LCDB), which contains empirical learnin ...


An Exponential Family JIVE Model to Design DNA-Based Predictors of Drug Response

Motivation: Anti-cancer drugs may elicit resistance or sensitivity through mechanisms which involve several genomic layers. Nevertheless, we have demonstrated that gene expression contains most of the predictive capacity compared to the remaining omic data types. Unfortunately, t ...
Learning curves provide insight into the dependence of a learner's generalization performance on the training set size. This important tool can be used for model selection, to predict the effect of more training data, and to reduce the computational complexity of model training a ...

Also for k-means

More data does not imply better performance

Arguably, a desirable feature of a learner is that its performance gets better with an increasing amount of training data, at least in expectation. This issue has received renewed attention in recent years and some curious and surprising findings have been reported on. In essence ...
Though much effort has been spent on designing new active learning algorithms, little attention has been paid to the initialization problem of active learning, i.e., how to find a set of labeled samples which contains at least one instance per category. This work identifies the i ...
We illustrate the detrimental effect, such as overconfident decisions, that exponential behavior can have in methods like classical LDA and logistic regression. We then show how polynomiality can remedy the situation. This, among others, leads purposefully to random-level perform ...
Model-based reinforcement learning methods are promising since they can increase sample efficiency while simultaneously improving generalizability. Learning can also be made more efficient through state abstraction, which delivers more compact models. Model-based reinforcement le ...
Semi-supervised learning is the learning setting in which we have both labeled and unlabeled data at our disposal. This survey covers theoretical results for this setting and maps out the benefits of unlabeled data in classification and regression tasks. Most methods that use unl ...
Preclinical models have been the workhorse of cancer research, producing massive amounts of drug response data. Unfortunately, translating response biomarkers derived from these datasets to human tumors has proven to be particularly challenging. To address this challenge, we deve ...
We investigate to which extent one can recover class probabilities within the empirical risk minimization (ERM) paradigm. We extend existing results and emphasize the tight relations between empirical risk minimization and class probability estimation. Following previous literatu ...
In practice, the data distribution at test time often differs, to a smaller or larger extent, from that of the original training data. Consequentially, the so-called source classifier, trained on the available labelled data, deteriorates on the test, or target, data. Domain adapt ...
Consider a domain-adaptive supervised learning setting, where a classifier learns from labeled data in a source domain and unlabeled data in a target domain to predict the corresponding target labels. If the classifier’s assumption on the relationship between domains (e.g. covari ...

Seismic inversion with deep learning

A proposal for litho-type classification

This article investigates bypassing the inversion steps involved in a standard litho-type classification pipeline and performing the litho-type classification directly from imaged seismic data. We consider a set of deep learning methods that map the seismic data directly into lit ...

Openly Teaching and Structuring Machine Learning Reproducibility

We present : an open online repository for teaching and structuring machine learning reproducibility. We evaluate doing a reproduction project among students and the added value of an online reproduction repository among AI researchers. We use anonymous self- ...
Resolution in deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is typically bounded by the receptive field size through filter sizes, and subsampling layers or strided convolutions on feature maps. The optimal resolution may vary significantly depending on the dataset. Modern CNNs hard- ...
Domain adaptation has become a prominent problem setting in machine learning and related fields. This review asks the question: How can a classifier learn from a source domain and generalize to a target domain We present a categorization of approaches, divided into, what we refer ...