S. Sharma

16 records found

Seismic inversion with deep learning

A proposal for litho-type classification

This article investigates bypassing the inversion steps involved in a standard litho-type classification pipeline and performing the litho-type classification directly from imaged seismic data. We consider a set of deep learning methods that map the seismic data directly into lit ...

Honouring Geological Information in Seismic Amplitude-Versus-Slowness Inversion

A Bayesian Formulation for Integrating Seismic Data and Prior Geological Information

Seismic waves from active experiments carry information regarding the subsurface in the form of reflected data that is recorded at the surface. This recorded data is subjected to sophisticated processing methods to estimate relevant parameters describing the geology of the subsur ...
Any target-oriented localised inversion scheme for reservoir elastic parameters is as good as the input dataset. Thus, the accuracy of the input dataset i.e. local reflection response or impulse response (virtual source-receiver response) is of utmost importance, especially when ...
Reservoir characterisation is a data driven process which involves the integration of different datasets to describe the subsurface. One of the difficulties of integrating geological data with the wave-equation based seismic inversion is that geological information is invariably ...
A previous geological and petrophysical model of the fluvio-deltaic Book Cliffs outcrops contained eight lithotypes, within each of which a number of lithologies were grouped. While this model was an adequate representation of the overall depositional architecture, for reservoir- ...
A method is presented to link prior geological information, from wells and interpretation, to full waveform inversion at reservoir scale. The method converts the layer-based prior information to grid-based property probability density distributions that are highly non-Gaussian an ...
Inversion results from seismic data of a synthetic example based on the Cretaceous fluvio-deltaic Book Cliffs outcrops in Utah (USA) have been used to extract the reservoir parameters. The input data sets are compressibility and shear compliance which are from the full elastic wa ...