90 records found


Background: Both patients and physicians may choose to delay initiation of dopamine replacement therapy in Parkinson's disease (PD) for various reasons. We used observational data to estimate the effect of earlier treatment in PD. Observational data offer a valuable source of ...

Background: Wearable sensors have been used successfully to characterize bradykinetic gait in patients with Parkinson disease (PD), but most studies to date have been conducted in highly controlled laboratory environments. Objective: This paper aims to assess whether sensor-ba ...

Complexe neurologische aandoeningen in de langdurige zorg

Een verkenning van aantallen, patiëntkenmerken en indicaties

Veel patiënten met een complexe neurologische aandoening, zoals de ziekte van Parkinson, multiple sclerose of restverschijnselen van niet-aangeboren hersenletsel, doen vroeg of laat in hun ziekteproces een beroep op de langdurige zorg. Dat deze mensen een andere zorgbehoefte hebb ...

Cross-validation under sample selection bias can, in principle, be done by importance-weighting the empirical risk. However, the importance-weighted risk estimator produces suboptimal hyperparameter estimates in problem settings where large weights arise with high probability. ...

Background: An important challenge in Parkinson's disease research is how to measure disease progression, ideally at the individual patient level. The MDS-UPDRS, a clinical assessment of motor and nonmotor impairments, is widely used in longitudinal studies. However, its abili ...

We analyzed a national administrativemedical claims database containing data of all patients newly diagnosed with PD between 2012 and 2016 in the Netherlands. We performed time-to-event analysis to identify the moments when patients received care from neurologists, allied heal ...

Active learning algorithms propose what data should be labeled given a pool of unlabeled data. Instead of selecting randomly what data to annotate, active learning strategies aim to select data so as to get a good predictive model with as little labeled samples as possible. Singl ...
Consider a classification problem where we have both labeled and unlabeled data available. We show that for linear classifiers defined by convex margin-based surrogate losses that are decreasing, it is impossible to construct any semi-supervised approach that is able to guarantee ...
In this paper,we discuss the approacheswe took and trade-offs involved in making a paper on a conceptual topic in pattern recognition research fully reproducible. We discuss our definition of reproducibility, the tools used, how the analysis was set up, show some examples of alte ...
We introduce the implicitly constrained least squares (ICLS) classifier, a novel semi-supervised version of the least squares classifier. This classifier minimizes the squared loss on the labeled data among the set of parameters implied by all possible labelings of the unlabeled ...

For semi-supervised techniques to be applied safely in practice we at least want methods to outperform their supervised counterparts. We study this question for classification using the well-known quadratic surrogate loss function. Unlike other approaches to semi-supervised le ...

For the supervised least squares classifier, when the number of training objects is smaller than the dimensionality of the data, adding more data to the training set may first increase the error rate before decreasing it. This, possibly counterintuitive, phenomenon is known as pe ...
Domain adaptation is the supervised learning setting in which the training and test data are sampled from different distributions: training data is sampled from a source domain, whilst test data is sampled from a target domain. This paper proposes and studies an approach, called ...
The goal of semi-supervised learning is to improve supervised classifiers by using additional unlabeled training examples. In this work we study a simple self-learning approach to semi-supervised learning applied to the least squares classifier. We show that a soft-label and a ha ...
The use of genome-wide data in cancer research, for the identification of groups of patients with similar molecular characteristics, has become a standard approach for applications in therapy-response, prognosis-prediction, and drug-development. To progress in these applications, ...


Recommender Systems assist the user by suggesting items to be consumed based on the user's history. The topic of diversity in recommendation gained momentum in recent years as additional criterion besides recommendation accuracy, to improve user satisfaction. Accuracy and diversi ...