M.A.B. Chao-Duivis
11 records found
Success factors to the client-contractor collaboration in the Dutch infrastructure sector
A comparative study of the client-contractor collaboration within ECI and D&C projects in the Dutch infrastructure sector
In the past decade the relationship between the client and contractor in the Dutch infrastructure sector has been disrupted. This disrupted relationship can mainly be characterised as adversarial and distrusting. Additionally, this has resulted in a growing number of disputes bet
Implementing Circular Business Models in Real Estate Development Firms
An explorative study
The efforts to embed a Circular Economy (CE) within every organization in the Netherlands have taken both, scholars and practitioners, to look into the design of Circular Business Models (CBMs) that allow to make this transition possible; one of the Dutch industries taking this a
A Best Value approach to public procurement
Stimulating the transition towards a circular infrastructure in the Netherlands
The last couple of years the concept of the Circular Economy (CE) has been gaining more and more attention. The Netherlands want to become a CE as well and the government presented a national policy programme including goals to reach a CE in 2050. One of those goals is that Dutch
Towards future-proof selection procedures in Urban Area Devlopment
Improving decision making regarding selection processes for municipal land sale procedures to decrease transaction costs
Over the last few years several documents have been published about the need for more efficient and cheaper selection processes in municipal land sale procedures. The current costs of selection are often considered too high. New, light selection methods−in which a partner is chos
Product to Service in Circular Economy
A critical assessment
Many notions are taken the last decades to control production of waste and solve the scarcity of raw material. Circular Economy is a concept, designed to help solve this problem with a financial and environmental agenda. Combined with a Product to Service model, it can offer new
Improving collaboration between client and contractor in integrated contracts in the Dutch construction sector
A study into the possibilities and opportunities of the NEC4 ECC contract and Project DOEN to improve collaboration between client and contractor in integrated contracts in the Dutch construction sector
Setting up the Innovation Partnership
Designing a guide for project managers for Dutch contracting authorities with a demand for construction-related innovation
Circulair aanbesteden
DNA-match: het geheim achter een spraakmakende circulaire aanbesteding
The circular economy is a hot topic and seen as the solution to the depletion of the earth. According to multiple researchers procurement is an important mean to stimulate circularity, thereby boosting the transition towards a circular economy. However, one thinks the Dutch procu
Toezicht en coördinatie zijn elkaar deels overlappende activiteiten die van groot belang kunnen zijn voor het succesvol verloop van een bouwproces. Zowel toezicht als coördinatie is in de eerste plaats een bouwactiviteit die binnen de context van het bouwproces uitgevoerd wordt m
The integrated contract UAV-GC 2005 is gaining popularities in Dutch construction industry, which is meant to bring added value to the employer. Nevertheless, due to embedded culture and other social factors, people are still strongly influenced by the ‘old way of working’. For i
Towards Agile Contracting
Enabling agile project management through contracting in the construction industry
‘Agile1’ or ‘Agility’ currently is a popular expression within project management. Agile project management is a method to meet the ever-changing needs and requirements throughout a project. An agile approach requires small multi-disciplinary development teams, working iterativel