N. Tömen
29 records found
Residual Connections in Spiking Neural Networks
Skipping deeper: Unveiling the Power of Residual Connections in Multi-Spiking Neural Networks
In recent years the emergence of Spiking Neural Net- works (SNNs) has shown that these networks are a promis- ing alternative to traditional Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) due to their low-power computing capabilities and noise robustness. Nevertheless, in recent approaches, t
Optical Flow Estimation Using Event-Based Cameras
Improving Optical Flow Estimation Accuracy Using Space-Aware De-Flickering
Event cameras are novel sensors whose high temporal resolution and bandwidth motivate their use for the optical flow estimation problem. However, the properties of event cameras also introduce a vulnerability to flickering. Flickering hurts the perceptibility of motion by overwhe
Computer vision tasks have shown to benefit greatly from both developments in deep learning networks, and the emergence of event cameras. Deep networks can require a large amount of training data, which is not readily available for event cameras, specifically for optical flow est
Optical flow estimation with event cameras encompasses two primary algorithm classes: model-based and learning-based methods. Model-based approaches, do not require any training data while learning-based approaches utilize datasets of events to train neural networks. To effective
Event cameras are bio-inspired sensors with high dynamic range, high temporal resolution, and low power consumption. These features enable precise motion detection even in challenging lighting conditions and fast-changing scenes, rendering them well-suited for optical flow estima
Adapting unconstrained spiking neural networks to explore the effects of time discretization on network properties
Correlation between step size and accuracy for real world task
Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) represent a distinct class of neural network models that incorporate an additional temporal dimension. Neurons within SNN operate according to the Leaky Integrate-and-Fire principle, governed by ordinary differential equations. Inter-layer neuronal c
Adapting unconstrained spiking neural networks to explore the effects of time discretization on network properties
The effects of time-discretization on spike-based backpropagation as opposed to membrane-potential backpropagation
The promise of Artificial Neural Networks has lead to their immense usage intertwined with concerns over energy consumption. This has led to development of alternatives, such as Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), which allows their implementation on neuromorphic hardware. In effect,
The role of membrane time constant in the training of spiking neural networks
Improving accuracy by per-neuron learning
Spiking neural networks (SNNs) aim to utilize mechanisms from biological neurons to bridge the computational and efficiency gaps between the human brain and machine learning systems. The widely used Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire (LIF) neuron model accumulates input spikes into an expo
Impact of time-discretization on the efficiency of continuous time Spiking Neural Networks
The effects of the time step size on the accuracy, sparsity and latency of the SNN
The increasing computational costs of training deep learning models have drawn more and more attention towards more power-efficient alternatives such as spiking neural networks (SNNs). SNNs are an artificial neural network that mimics the brain’s way of processing information. Th
Unsupervised optical flow estimation of event cameras
The influence of training sets on model performance
Event cameras are cameras that capture events asynchronously based on changes in lighting. They offer multiple benifits, but pose challenges in computer vision due to their asynchronous nature and hard to capture ground truth values to compare against. This paper shows the effect
Backpropagating in time-discretized multi-spike spiking neural networks
How are the training accuracy and training speed (in epochs and time) of a spiking neural network affected when numerically integrating with the forward-Euler and Parker-Sochacki methods?
Spiking neural networks have gained traction as both a tool for neuroscience research and a new frontier in machine learning. A plethora of neuroscience literature exists exploring the realistic simulation of neurons, with complex models re- quiring the formulation and integratio
Insects such as Diptera are capable of highly complex aerial maneuvers and rapid responses to environmental stimuli, making them a subject of interest for studies in flight dynamics and motor control. To accurately quantify these movements, high-speed cameras are employed, captur
Live-cell imaging captures dynamic cellular behaviors and aims to maximize both spatial and temporal resolution while minimizing sample damage, enabling advancements in fundamental cell biology. However, spatial resolution is limited by the diffraction barrier of optical lenses,
Benchmarking Neural Decoders
Benchmarking of Hardware-efficient Real-time Neural Decoding in Brain-computer Interfaces
Designing processors for implantable closed-loop neuromodulation systems presents a formidable challenge owing to the constrained operational environment, which requires low latency and high energy efficacy. Previous benchmarks have provided limited insights into power consumption
Tracker-level fusion (TLF) is recognized as an effective approach to comprehensively improve visual object tracking performance by combining the capabilities of multiple baseline trackers. Although there is considerable interest in TLF, there are still challenges related to insuf
Most recent works on optical flow use convex upsampling as the last step to obtain high-resolution flow. In this work, we show and discuss several issues and limitations of this currently widely adopted convex upsampling approach. We propose a series of changes, inspired by the o
Making it Clear
Using Vision Transformers in Multi-View Stereo on Specular and Transparent Materials
Transparency and specularity are challenging phenomena that modern depth perception systems have to deal with in order to be used in practice. A promising family of depth estimation methods is Multi-View Stereo (MVS), which combines multiple RGB images to predict depth, thus circ
An event-based camera enables capturing a video at a high temporal resolution, high dynamical range, reduced power consumption and minimal data bandwidth while the camera has minimal physical dimensions compared to a frame-based camera with the same vision properties. The limitin
Traditionally, convolutional neural networks are feedforward networks with a deep and complex hierarchy. Conversely, the human brain has a relatively shallow hierarchy with recurrent connections. Replicating this recurrence may allow for shallower and easier to understand compute
Color information has been shown to provide useful information during image classification. Yet current popular deep convolutional neural networks use 2-dimensional convolutional layers. The first 2-dimensional convolutional layer in the network combines the color channels of the