45 records found


Radio-frequency (RF) energy harvesting is a promising technology for Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices to power sensors and prolong battery life. In this paper, we present a novel side-channel attack that leverages RF energy harvesting signals to eavesdrop mobile app activities ...


A Low-Effort Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation Framework for EMG Sensing

This paper presents EMGSense, a low-effort self-supervised domain adaptation framework for sensing applications based on Electromyography (EMG). EMGSense addresses one of the fundamental challenges in EMG cross-user sensing—the significant performance degradation caused by time-v ...

We design a system, SolarGest, which can recognize hand gestures near a solar-powered device by analyzing the patterns of the photocurrent. SolarGest is based on the observation that each gesture interferes with incident light rays on the solar panel in a unique way, leaving i ...

Screen Perturbation

Adversarial Attack and Defense on Under-Screen Camera

Smartphones are moving towards the fullscreen design for better user experience. This trend forces front cameras to be placed under screen, leading to Under-Screen Cameras (USC). Accordingly, a small area of the screen is made translucent to allow light to reach the USC. In this ...


Psychology-inspired Eye Movement Synthesis for Gaze-based Activity Recognition

Recent advances in eye tracking have given birth to a new genre of gaze-based context sensing applications, ranging from cognitive load estimation to emotion recognition. To achieve state-of-the-art recognition accuracy, a large-scale, labeled eye movement dataset is needed to tr ...


An Energy Harvesting-based Privacy-Preserving User Identification System by Gait Analysis

Smart space has emerged as a new paradigm that combines sensing, communication, and artificial intelligence technologies to offer various customized services. A fundamental requirement of these services is person identification. Although a variety of person-identification appr ...

Demo Abstract: Catch My Eye

Gaze-Based Activity Recognition in an Augmented Reality Art Gallery

The personalization of augmented reality (AR) experiences based on environmental and user context is key to unlocking their full potential. The recent addition of eye tracking to AR headsets provides a convenient method for detecting user context, but complex analysis of raw gaze ...


Facial expression recognition on head-mounted devices (HMDs) is an intriguing research field because of its potential in various applications, such as interactive virtual reality video meetings. Existing work focuses on building a supervised learning pipeline that utilizes a vast ...
Recent works explain the DNN models that perform image classification tasks following the "attribution, human-in-the-loop, extraction" workflow. However, little work has looked into such an approach for explaining DNN models for language or multimodal tasks. To address this gap, ...
Natural Language Interfaces for Databases (NLIDBs) offer a way for users to reason about data. It does not require the user to know the data structure, its relations, or familiarity with a query language like SQL. It only requires the use of Natural Language. This thesis focuses ...
In recent years, there has been a great deal of studies about the optimisation of generating adversarial examples for Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) in a black-box environment. The use of gradient-based techniques to get the adversarial images in a minimal amount of input-output cor ...
Cognitive processes have been used in recent years for context sensing and this has shown promising results. Multiple sets of features have shown good performance but no set of features has been determined the best for classifying gaze data. This paper looks at different feature ...
This research proposes a novel method to classify cognitive behavior based on eye-movement data. Most state-of-the-art approaches use conventional machine learning techniques needing manual feature extraction. This experiment explores the possibility of applying deep learning alg ...
Classification of sedentary activities using gaze tracking data can be of great use in fields such as teaching, human-computer interaction and surveilling. Conventional machine learning methods such as k-nearest neighbours, random forest and support vector machine might be used t ...
The use of eye-tracking as a tool to provide cognitive context is rising in real-world systems. Though extensive research has been done on using machine learning and deep learning to classify sedentary activities using data captured by eye-trackers, there is a gap in analyzing th ...
Sedentary activity recognition is an important research field due to its various positive implications in people’s life. This study builds upon previous research which is based on low level features extracted from the gaze signals using a fixation filter and uses a dataset of 24 ...
Adversarial training and its variants have become the standard defense against adversarial attacks - perturbed inputs designed to fool the model. Boosting techniques such as Adaboost have been successful for binary classification problems, however, there is limited research in th ...
A machine learning classifier can be tricked us- ing adversarial attacks, attacks that alter images slightly to make the target model misclassify the image. To create adversarial attacks on black-box classifiers, a substitute model can be created us- ing model stealing. The resea ...
Model extraction attacks are attacks which generate a substitute model of a targeted victim neural network. It is possible to perform these attacks without a preexisting dataset, but doing so requires a very high number of queries to be sent to the victim model. This is otfen in ...

Black-box Adversarial Attacks using Substitute models

Effects of Data Distributions on Sample Transferability

Machine Learning (ML) models are vulnerable to adversarial samples — human imperceptible changes to regular input to elicit wrong output on a given model. Plenty of adversarial attacks assume an attacker has access to the underlying model or access to the data used to train the m ...