S. Proksch
8 records found
“App stores” are online software stores where end users may browse, purchase, download, and install software applications. By far, the best known app stores are associated with mobile platforms, such as Google Play for Android and Apple’s App Store for iOS. The ubiquity of smartp
Fast and lightweight call graph generation for software builds
Call Graphs are a rich data source and form the foundation for advanced static analyses that can, for example, detect security vulnerabilities or dead code. This information is invaluable when it is immediately available, such as in the output of a build system. Call Graph genera
Software reuse is a common practice in modern software engineering to save time and energy while accelerating software delivery. Dependency managers like MAVEN offer a large ecosystem of reusable libraries that build the backbone of software reuse. Breaking changes, i.e., when an
Source code comments are a cornerstone of software documentation facilitating feature development and maintenance. Well-defined documentation formats, like Javadoc, make it easy to include structural metadata used to, for example, generate documentation manuals. However, the actu
Reusing software libraries is a pillar of modern software engineering. In 2022, the average Java application depends on 40 third-party libraries. Relying on such libraries exposes a project to potential vulnerabilities and may put an application and its users at risk. Unfortunate
Practical Deep Similarity Learning-Based Type Inference for Python
Dynamic languages, such as Python and Javascript, trade static typing for developer flexibility and productivity. Lack of static typing can cause run-time exceptions and is a major factor for weak IDE support. To alleviate these issues, PEP 484 introduced optional type annotation
Configuration smells in continuous delivery pipelines
A linter and a six-month study on GitLab
An effective and efficient application of Continuous Integration (CI) and Delivery (CD) requires software projects to follow certain principles and good practices. Configuring such a CI/CD pipeline is challenging and error-prone. Therefore, automated linters have been proposed to
Automatic static analysis tools (ASATs) are instruments that support code quality assessment by automatically detecting defects and design issues. Despite their popularity, they are characterized by (i) a high false positive rate and (ii) the low comprehensibility of the generate