Residual Connections in Spiking Neural Networks

Skipping deeper: Unveiling the Power of Residual Connections in Multi-Spiking Neural Networks

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In recent years the emergence of Spiking Neural Net- works (SNNs) has shown that these networks are a promis- ing alternative to traditional Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) due to their low-power computing capabilities and noise robustness. Nevertheless, in recent approaches, they have either strayed away from spike time backpropaga- tion, used discrete time, single spike neurons, and/or limited themselves to shallow networks. These approaches limit the potential of SNNs by sacrificing significant aspects of what makes them special in order to have a functional network. It is for this reason that we believe that, the implemen- tation of residual connections, allowing a model that has multi-spiking neurons, precise time and spike time back- propagation is the path to allow these networks to truly shine. As it will solve one of this model’s most severe lim- itations which prevent it from being used to build deeper networks, the banishing of spikes at a deeper depth. Hence we aim to remedy this problem by feeding inputs from fur- ther up the network to revitalize the spike counts at deeper layers. In this paper, we explore the implementation of residual connections in precise time multi-spiking neural networks as a way of solving the disappearing spikes problem that inhibits spike time backpropagation. We explore two al- ternatives in the implementation of the residual connection and we analyze how they affect the accuracy of the network as the depth increases in both Multi-Layer Perceptrons and Convolutional Neural Networks. We also developed an ar- chitecture to allow for swapping of the fuse function in or- der to take full advantage of the flexibility that precise time provides us. Results show that the implemented residual connections allow for deeper training, which has the poten- tial to aid in the network’s performance, although in some cases some hurdles remain.