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H.J.F.M. Boumeester

17 records found

Human Creative Capital has become a key driver of urban competitiveness in the knowledge economy. However, metropolitan areas worldwide are experiencing diminishing appeal to young talents, with both high housing prices and poor housing quality being key contributing factors. Thi ...

Rebuilding Trust

Housing Associations in Groningen's Reinforcement Task

On April 16, 2024, the Senate voted with a large majority in favour of the final closure of the Groningen gas field. The decision marked the end of six decades of gas extraction in Groningen and marked the commencement of a new chapter in the earthquake file; the post-closure pha ...

Counteracting desertification and abandonment in the rural Spanish landscape

Revealing potentialities of regeneration through a local sensitive adaptive strategy

Desertification and depopulation are mutually reinforcing processes that cause global socio-ecological ecosystem vulnerability through land degradation. The dehesa landscape in Spain is especially vulnerable, facing severe threats from these combined pressures and urgently needin ...
Many households aged 55 and older with a desire to move encounter a lack of suitable housing on the Dutch housing market. Various households that have a desire to move, cannot find a dwelling that meets their desires in their desired location. This hinders their ability to realiz ...

Temporary housing in The Netherlands

The role of support in creating a successful housing strategy

There is a big housing shortage in the Netherlands and in order to solve this problem, the Dutch government has announced the ambition to develop almost one million homes before 2030. However, due to high construction costs, permit procedures and difficulty of finding suitable lo ...

First-time buyers on the Dutch housing market – the starters dilemma

Tackling the starters dilemma – Developers perspective. What are the desired housing preferences of first-time buyers and what trade-offs do they make during the decision-making process to buy an owner-occupied dwelling

"First-time buyer has a chance to buy only 3 percent of owner-occupied dwellings in the Netherlands” (NOS, 2023). 

"First-time buyer has a chance to buy only 3 percent of owner-occupied dwellings in the Netherlands” (NOS, 2023). 

This quote reflects the harsh reality of single first-time buyers in the Dutch housing market. The substantial surge in housing prices has exacerbated challenges for first-time buyers since 2015 (Groot, 2022). The housing supply falls short in comparison to the demand in the Netherlands. Apart from the existing housing shortage, extended waiting periods in the social rental sector, exorbitant house prices, and the recent upswing in mortgage interest rates contribute to the scarcity of suitable options (Boelhouwer & Van Der Heijden, 2022). It appears that, mainly around the provinces comprising Randstad, the housing market is tight (Calcasa, 2023). The share of relocations from the rental market to the owner-occupied dwelling market has declined nationwide in recent years, while demand for owner-occupied dwellings has increased. Despite the government's possible attempts to address this housing shortage, for example, by building around 350,000 affordable owner-occupied or rental dwellings in the middle segment before 2030, availability and affordability remain a stumbling block for first-time buyers. By better targeting the construction of suitable "starter" dwellings, this problem can be addressed for the target group. Therefore, it is essential to consider the balance between the financial capabilities of the first-time buyers and the minimum desired living characteristics and living environment. To find the minimum desired characteristics of first-time buyers, it is important to look at their substitutional behaviour and the possible concessions they are willing to make, to meet the current housing prices.  

Therefore, the aim of this research is to identify the preferences and considerations of first-time buyers in the Randstad region. It started with a literature review on the different theories behind the whole moving process, in order to then start the empirical research.

The empirical research initiated with a research on the Dutch housing market with a deepening focus on the Randstad region. Then to research how the financial position of first-time buyers is affected by government regulations and other factors. After gaining an understanding through research into the supply for first-time buyers and their financial capabilities, the housing preferences and considerations of this target group were mapped out utilizing a survey conducted among 326 respondents. Following MAUT's methodology, these respondents rated possible topics (attributes) and characteristics of these topics (attribute levels) to gain insight into their preferences. This quantitative research showed that respondents mostly preferred a corner dwelling with a garden in a suburban area. 

Based on these findings, it can be concluded that first-time buyers highly value having a garden and a supermarket in the immediate vicinity, but also that the greatest preference, is not always the most realistic preference in view of financial capabilities. 

The potential of 'kluswoningen'

Is the provision of 'kluswoningen' valuable for widening the opportunities of first-time buyers?

The housing shortage in the Netherlands has been a pressing issue, particularly affecting starters and middle-income households who struggle with high prices and limited access to affordable housing. In response, there have been interventions and policies aimed at stimulating sta ...

Asymmetrical partnerships in conceptual housing

How start-ups manage to become competitive in the conceptual housing industry

In the Netherlands there is currently a high demand for affordable housing (Volkshuisvesting en Ruimtelijke Ordening, 2022). Earlier research indicated modular integrated housing can serve as a repercussion against this problem (Khan et al, 2022). The Dutch government wants to pr ...

Adequate Social Housing

Using system dynamics modelling to develop a policy strategy that increases the number of adequate rental properties in the Dutch social housing sector

Despite the fact that everyone has the right to adequate housing, this fundamental human right has become a critical manner in several European Union (EU) nations, especially in the Netherlands (OHCHR, 2009; Rosenfeld, 2015; European Parliament, 2020). Despite being the largest s ...

Sturingsmogelijkheden op de Nederlandse woningmarkt gericht op empty-nesters

Een toetsingsmodel dat de impact van sturingsmaatregelen op de doorstroming van de woningmarkt test

Op de huidige Nederlandse woningmarkt heerst een krapte, waardoor de doorstroming van de woningmarkt is vastgelopen. Er is sprake van een kwantitatieve en een kwalitatieve mismatch op de woningmarkt; zowel in aantallen als in type woningen sluiten vraag en aanbod niet op elkaar a ...

Stimulating the desire to move

How instruments can improve the willingness to move of owner-occupiers aged 55-75: a case study of Rotterdam

The Dutch population is ageing. The impact of the housing situation of the elderly on society is therefore increasing. The current housing situation of the elderly may be inappropriate regarding the use of space and the wellbeing of the residents. Especially the housing situation ...

Understanding housing and neighbourhood preferences of households aged 55 or older

A study about a variety of households, looking for a house in the mid rent or owner-occupied housing sector in the Netherlands

Ageing is a demographic development in the Netherlands that leads to an increasing amount of older households. Most people aged 55 years and older do not want to move or cannot find a house that meets their demand. This
is expected to block the housing flow and increase the a ...

A place for all households in urban areas

An exploratory study of housing preferences and housing affordability of middle-income households in relation to rental housing supply

Due to several factors, under which the widespread flexibilization in the job market and the fact that it ended up becoming more difficult to take out a mortgage, middle-income households ended up not having access to owner-occupied housing in Dutch urban areas. Also, middle-inco ...

Household mobility post-crisis

Examining the impact of macroeconomic and institutional developments on household mobility in the Netherlands

Policy reforms in response to the crisis were initially expected to dampen future house price increases. Instead, the Dutch owner-occupied housing market has overheated not even five years after its recovery. As this could indicate a structural change in the housing demand of hou ...

The Dutch buy-to-let market

A quantitative study on the characteristics of the Dutch buy-to-let market and the relation between buy-to-let investments and regional house price development

During the last decade, two developments on the Dutch housing market have received a lot of attention. One of these developments concerns the recovering house prices and specifically the strong price rises in cities. The other development is related to the growth of the private r ...